1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:30 AND stemmed:refriger)
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(Several times this morning while we were working Jane mentioned that she was receiving flashes from Seth about a particular subject—the refrigerator in our bathroom. Seth had, she said, just realized this situation and was quite upset.
(Actually we have two refrigerators, and since our kitchen is very small we kept the smaller icebox there and the larger one in the bath. The bath is very large, an ornate and tiled affair that was once the master bath of the house before it was converted into apartments.
(Jane strongly disliked the idea of the large refrigerator in the kitchen, and actively resisted Seth’s concern with the problem. But at lunch she told me she wouldn’t be surprised if we had a short session this evening. I did not care for this idea but decided to see what developed, mainly for future reference.
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Why does a small kitchen make a refrigerator sanitary in a bathroom?
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The fact is that regardless, Ruburt, of the smallness of your kitchen, it simply is not physically sanitary or even psychically healthful to keep food in a bathroom. Naturally the refrigerator should be kept in one place. You just happened to chose the worst possible place.
This involvement or seeming involvement in your personal habits is somewhat ludicrous. However I know that the change will be beneficial to a rather important degree. Joseph’s gumboils are infections directly connected with the proximity of the refrigerator to more personal cleansing centers, and these centers should certainly be divided.
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My mention of the tree in the kitchen was made because I happen to enjoy seeing it when Ruburt makes his twice-weekly journeys up and down the living room floor. A tree is a living symbol to you Joseph, but I certainly do not insist that the tree be left uncovered though personally I see no reason why any other changes have to be made in the kitchen, except for the addition of the refrigerator. I blush to think of your fine professors reading this, and for your sakes I suggest that it not be sent out with official material.
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(Seth’s reference to a tree concerns one I had drawn directly on the kitchen wall, in India ink on the yellow paint. It happened to be one of my best drawings, done very quickly above the spot where we had placed the small refrigerator. One can look into the kitchen from one end of the living room and thus see the tree, and in a subdued light it is very effective. The big refrigerator covers it entirely since it is the only spot in the kitchen where it will fit in at all. Jane used this fact in protesting to Seth about switching the iceboxes.)
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