1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:27 AND stemmed:was)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(By 8:45 Jane was nervous, but not as much as usual. The 26th session with John Bradley as a witness had done her much good; especially had the telepathy effect increased her confidence. Jane took this as a sign that she is using whatever abilities she may have, and is not practicing subconscious fraud.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
There are many things I want to tell you tonight, and I wish to let you know that you have made certain advancements. For one thing, you may dispense with the board. You no longer require it. It was important in the beginning, but after this it served only to upset Ruburt.
It was in the way and he kept waiting for the exact most favorable moment to dispense with it and speak for me, so that he actually became anxious. It was a necessity for you both in the beginning, however, and do not let it go—that is, do not return it. It has sentimental value, and for me.
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
(Break at 9:27. Jane said Seth was going strong tonight, and was apparently quite pleased. Jane had awareness of her surroundings but still felt like “taking off.” She had been pacing very fast, but her voice was little stronger than usual.
(We discussed Seth’s confirmation of Jane’s feeling about concept-essences. As break ended I was asking Jane if it would be possible for her, when her ability to receive these concepts was more developed, to then write out what the concept consisted of. Resume at 9:32.)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(I had to ask Jane to repeat the last few words of the above paragraph. As soon as I did a startling thing happened: Jane began to talk in a very loud and vibrant voice. It was as though she had suddenly received an extra charge of energy. This strong but not especially deep voice persisted, but did drop somewhat in volume after a couple of hundred words. Her eyes were very dark.)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Others less perfectionist than myself are content with more distortion. I am not. Ruburt’s Idea Construction was rather amazing. The inner senses provided him with much, but nevertheless the ideas contained represented an achievement of the conscious mind. I was drawn by this to realize that you were ready for me.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
You had no problems with parents in the past, and my dear Yo-yo, you were an excellent father to me at one time, and if I may say so at one time I was an excellent father to you.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
(By now Jane’s voice was very low. Her pace was slow.)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
(Break at 10:35. Jane had been somewhat dissociated during delivery. Her voice had become quite low, her pacing very slow. She was obviously tiring, and said she thought it was because Seth was giving us a lot of personal material. Resume at 10:37.)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
It was thought that you had the ability to escape relatively unscathed. None of your other brothers this time could have endured being the first born, and you have done well.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(Break at 11:00. Jane said she felt Seth “pushed through” a lot of important material, and in so doing used up a lot of her energy in a way she doesn’t yet understand. She feels exhausted, yet is all right as soon as Seth begins again. During this monologue she was not conscious of her surroundings. Jane resumed dictating at 11:02.)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt was put upon to some extent. He enabled me to present material without any distortion to speak of, which is difficult.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Any arrangements you can think of that will satisfy some of these needs are worth it. If Ruburt had his way, something would shield you both when the door was opened from the hallway. He does not even like to partake of food in full viewpoint of others. The corner working space, any corner working space, pleases him, because it provides a place for the collection of psychic energy, and also serves as protection to his way of seeing things. It is too bad you cannot eat in your kitchen, but I believe something can be worked out with that arrangement as it exists.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(11:27. Jane collapsed on the couch. She said she had never been so tired before. Yet is was very pleasant, like a deep lethargy. We were discussing the session, particularly the last portion, when Jane heard from Seth again. Resume at 11:33.)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]