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TES1 Session 27 February 19, 1964 34/108 (31%) inferiority unjustified Joseph winter explosions
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 27 February 19, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane also reported that twice within the past two days she had received “flashes” in the third person, to the effect that our bed, temporarily in the living room, should be moved to my empty studio in the back of the apartment if we are still here next winter. The messages were to the effect that “Ruburt’s psychic energies could be dangerous if he [Jane] does all his living in one room.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

There are many things I want to tell you tonight, and I wish to let you know that you have made certain advancements. For one thing, you may dispense with the board. You no longer require it. It was important in the beginning, but after this it served only to upset Ruburt.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

As for another advancement you have made, beside dispensing with the material board—and this advancement has to do with the so-called flashes that Ruburt has received between sessions—he has achieved a state in which he can receive inner data from me more readily. But beyond this he is now able in some small way to contact me. That is, I have contacted you in the past, and now you are gaining the ability to contact me, and this is a step forward on your part.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

And here a word about this material. Ruburt’s mind is an excellent one, and well given to serve our needs at this time. There is a reciprocal agreement here, and a give and take that is unlike your friend’s idea of invasion.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

One reason for the success of our communications is the peculiar abilities present in you both and the interaction between them, and the use that you both allow me to make of them. Ruburt’s intellect had to be of high quality. His conscious and unconscious mind had to be acquainted with certain ideas to begin with, in order for the complexity of this material to come through.

In the beginning, for example, there is always a distortion of material by the person who receives it, at least on the topmost subconscious level. So an individual whose personal prejudices are at a minimum is excellent. If for example Ruburt’s prejudices happen to lie along lines which do not contradict what I know to be true, then all the better, and there is much less resistance.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Material like this is sifted through many layers of subconscious conceptions, and is subsequently colored. People strongly believing in your organized religions color the material in a manner that is highly disadvantageous, and that unfortunately often adds to existing superstitions. Ruburt’s mind, believe it or not, is much like my own; though, if you’ll forgive me, in a very limited fashion, therefore the distortions are much less distortive, much less harmful, and more easily discovered and cleared.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt will never sit down and deliver the material in that fashion. As I have said, the human being is more than the sum of its parts, and you two together are more than just the two of you, and you together provide the needed power for these communications to take place. But I do not want to go further into this right now. The procedure will remain the same for quite a while. Changes will not occur until you are ready and prepared for them, and the material itself will prepare you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your sensation the other night Joseph is an early, beginning stage of such development, as are Ruburt’s concept-essences. You will be experiencing inner data full blast, so to speak, and so vividly that it will be its own evidence. And I do mean evidence which will fail to convince no intelligent man.

We will not always be hampered by the need of words. Ruburt’s book, Idea Construction, displayed for me the fact that he and I could work together. Neither of you are empty channels to be filled willy-nilly by my communications.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In my operations in your plane I must use the materials at hand, but despite any ideas to the contrary this involves a give and take with all involved. I know you are waiting to hear more about your own particular function, but remember we are still condemned to the use of words, and Ruburt can only say so much at a time.

Others less perfectionist than myself are content with more distortion. I am not. Ruburt’s Idea Construction was rather amazing. The inner senses provided him with much, but nevertheless the ideas contained represented an achievement of the conscious mind. I was drawn by this to realize that you were ready for me.

You, Joseph, were necessary, but we had to have this particular sort of intuitive intellect that could also deal expertly with words before we could actually begin; and it took Ruburt a long time to achieve this state because his conscious problems, and family relations and preoccupation with them, held him back.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

I do suggest a brief break. I want to go into this a little more tonight. Then I want to mention briefly Ruburt’s idea of my idea about the bed, and I want to at least mention the condensed time concept, and cover briefly something new, which is the self-conscious self behind the ego.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane had also mentioned to me yesterday a flash she had received about the self-conscious self behind the ego; this in addition to the material on Ruburt’s psychic explosions. We also discussed Seth’s remarks about financial problems. Resume at 10:09.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You could have shortened the uncomfortable circumstances in which Ruburt found himself involved, you could have lessened the wall of stupidity that Ruburt tried to climb.

Had you been able to act in the physical world, you could have directed your anger where it belonged, against the stupidity, and because of your calm exterior you could have helped conquer it in a faster and more efficient manner than Ruburt did. He needed your strength, and when you leave it up to him to act as the so-called tower of strength, you overtax him to some extent.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt is strongly intuitive, but basically in this life relies upon your logic and strength, and you have a good degree of both. I hope that this material will free you to use these abilities.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I can see that we will never cover the material I had planned for tonight, but it is more important that I get these ideas across to Joseph; and in so doing I am afraid I am wearing Ruburt out, in a way that I will explain at a later date.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now, it is true that Ruburt possesses strong psychic energy, as you do. But your unjustified sense of inferiority has held you back to some degree, though I believe that this is lessening now. I am sure it is lessening. In any case Ruburt’s psychic energy becomes at times undisciplined. For reasons that I will consider later he should not feel pent in.

The combination of bedroom, workroom, living room and dining room is a bad one. If it were strictly necessary that would be one thing. But I suggest changes, although I have been leery of commenting upon such personal material. Ruburt has a basic though well-disguised need for privacy, as you do Joseph, though your need is not disguised. This is a need for privacy from the outside world that I speak of.

His pent-up feeling could result in rather undisciplined psychic explosions that could be dangerous, though not necessarily so. This has its basis in Ruburt’s early life, and I will go into that later.

As you know the seasons are important to Ruburt. The combination of late winter and a pent-up emotional reaction to the room situation should be avoided if possible. He, Ruburt, has more psychic power than he knows, and an uncluttered feeling is important. He has an inner sense of order which may not be apparent, and a strong feeling for what he considers sacred or private functions.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt is flexible to a large degree, but beneath there are prerequisites that he needs. Many of his Florida contortions had to do with a simple need, basic for him, having to do with space, orderliness and privacy. He does not speak of these as you do, but nevertheless woe if you ignore them, because he will react in an emotional explosion at best and a psychic explosion at worst.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You both are very much alike underneath the obvious differences, but Ruburt’s somewhat unrecognized needs along these lines are important. You will probably have to work out practical solutions. I hesitate to advise. If you hit upon the back room as a winter bedroom, perhaps you could purchase a secondhand rug, use plastic window covering, and maybe leave the door open. These are merely suggestions to be considered, not orders to be followed.

The illusion of an entryway would be desirable if possible. Ruburt holds and collects his psychic energy, and without knowing it does not like it to bleed outward. You are more consciously aware of your own similar needs.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt was put upon to some extent. He enabled me to present material without any distortion to speak of, which is difficult.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Any arrangements you can think of that will satisfy some of these needs are worth it. If Ruburt had his way, something would shield you both when the door was opened from the hallway. He does not even like to partake of food in full viewpoint of others. The corner working space, any corner working space, pleases him, because it provides a place for the collection of psychic energy, and also serves as protection to his way of seeing things. It is too bad you cannot eat in your kitchen, but I believe something can be worked out with that arrangement as it exists.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your working room should not be disturbed, that is you should have your own working room. This is very important for you. Ruburt will benefit from such an arrangement whenever it is possible. However he will get along fine if the main room is released from so many various functions.

Ruburt’s grandfather says that you are both two fine kiddos, and I heartily agree. My dear friends, I am with you more often than you know. You are both making many advancements, and tonight’s material will help both of you in many ways. I dislike leaving you, but know that you must be tired. One small word to Ruburt: he will stop smoking and he knows it. I have not pressed this issue.

And now most devoted friends, a fond good evening. I will always help you to the best of my ability, and as far as I know I will be accessible for your present lifetimes. And dear Joseph, if you whacked me many times, I got my blows in too. And I made Ruburt one lovely wife—so there, my lovelies.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

One more word because of your discussion. The dangerous psychic explosions that I spoke of as being possible are very real possibilities, and involve even chemical changes in Ruburt’s own body; and I do suggest that you make some changes, either by returning to your regular workroom, Joseph, or by making the porch room into a temporary bedroom. Ruburt is unpredictable so I cannot predict what guise such an explosion might take, but it would be definitely dangerous and strong.

Something which you have forgotten makes you uncomfortable at Christmas time, Joseph, and Ruburt becomes uncomfortable in late winter if the space situation is not comfortable to him, so that your periods of psychic discomfort somewhat overlap. That is why both of you should be made as comfortable as possible. You, Joseph, have come through the winter in excellent condition, considering last winter.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I do not want Ruburt’s psychic energies soaked up in trying to fight these needs, however. We need all of your psychic energies for our work, and you will learn in the future to use these energies well, and also to draw upon energies from the basic vitality.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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