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TES1 Session 27 February 19, 1964 19/108 (18%) inferiority unjustified Joseph winter explosions
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 27 February 19, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane also reported that twice within the past two days she had received “flashes” in the third person, to the effect that our bed, temporarily in the living room, should be moved to my empty studio in the back of the apartment if we are still here next winter. The messages were to the effect that “Ruburt’s psychic energies could be dangerous if he [Jane] does all his living in one room.”

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

As with all inner data, such an experience would be much more vivid than our present procedure. It would involve however the utilization of most, if not all, inner senses, operating as a whole cognizance field. Do you have that? Operating as a whole cognizance field.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You cannot of course perform such an achievement yet, but I hope that one day we may attain it. As far as I know this has not been tried on such a scale, but only because all prerequisite circumstances have not been met.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

In the beginning, for example, there is always a distortion of material by the person who receives it, at least on the topmost subconscious level. So an individual whose personal prejudices are at a minimum is excellent. If for example Ruburt’s prejudices happen to lie along lines which do not contradict what I know to be true, then all the better, and there is much less resistance.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

I cannot go further into this now because I have not given you the principles involved as yet. What we will have when this happens is a gestalt, with no lessening of your individualities at all, but a merging that will bring greater abilities.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

In my operations in your plane I must use the materials at hand, but despite any ideas to the contrary this involves a give and take with all involved. I know you are waiting to hear more about your own particular function, but remember we are still condemned to the use of words, and Ruburt can only say so much at a time.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now there are so many connections I want to make, and yet so many personal remarks I want to make, that I become all the more impatient for our still far-off release from words.

First of all personally: You, Joseph, have acquired an unjustified sense of inferiority as far as not only your dealings with your parents are concerned, but also concerning your dealings with the outside world; and even, for what unknown reason, with your dealings with your own talent.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I will go into this more deeply. Needless to say these problems have to do with you not at all, really, but with your present parents’ particular distorted way of looking at the outside world. It is basically inadequate and harmful to them, and when you judge yourself not against your own healthier ideas, but against their unhealthy attitudes, you are inadvertently judging yourself harshly.

If you find yourself falling short, of illness, then by all means consider yourself healthy, and do not cry because you cannot see or measure up to, I should say down to, the same sick standards.

To me this is all so obvious that I almost hesitate to mention it, but this is because I tend to forget what human existence on your plane actually involves. These are but one set of parents. As a parent yourself you performed exceedingly well, and as a son also. You see, when you really realize the sum of yourself these problems will fade entirely, but please in the meantime take my word for it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Break at 10:05. “I feel like a full sail,” Jane said. She did not have much awareness during this monologue. Her hands felt all right by now and her voice had dropped to almost normal volume.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

In part, whatever disapproval they feel, and it is not nearly as great as you imagine it to be, is based upon jealousy in a large degree, and yet, conversely, you have given them strength, and even helped to justify them, in that underneath it all they do realize that despite their own shortcomings you have managed to achieve something.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

They have had six lives apiece, merely because they are particularly stubborn. But you must be able to see your relationship with them in perspective, even though I cannot go into the intertwining of all your lives in one night.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

When you give in to it you do become immobilized to some degree, and therefore incapable of true dissociation. Then you cannot help them, and this to you then seems a further demonstration of inadequacy. The circle is vicious. I repeat: In all your past lives you dealt with the problems of both parenthood and childhood well, in relation to your own parents. This present trouble is a result of your parents’ inabilities and false conceptions, and of your own over-conscientiousness resulting from your Denmark life.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Your father’s entity’s name is Arruhk, A-r-r-u-h-k. I cannot go into all the problems of his present personality. They are definite challenges that he had to face, and the overall entity is facing the majority of these in one fell swoop, for his own reasons.

But you are to feel free from any rebuffs, realizing that the present personality of your father is choosing to face many hurdles at once. And in this life his failings are more apparent simply because they represent old leftover problem remnants; and you have had a lot to do with your father’s ability to face these problems all at once, so to speak.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 11:00. Jane said she felt Seth “pushed through” a lot of important material, and in so doing used up a lot of her energy in a way she doesn’t yet understand. She feels exhausted, yet is all right as soon as Seth begins again. During this monologue she was not conscious of her surroundings. Jane resumed dictating at 11:02.)

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

I do not want Ruburt’s psychic energies soaked up in trying to fight these needs, however. We need all of your psychic energies for our work, and you will learn in the future to use these energies well, and also to draw upon energies from the basic vitality.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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