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TES1 Session 24 February 10, 1964 35/80 (44%) clock duration psychological invention inner
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 24 February 10, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Usually in these sessions only one inner sense is in strong operation, but as I mentioned in our last session, man does not trust anything which occurs to him or in him unless he is consciously aware of what he is doing, how he is doing it, and why. It bothers Ruburt, as he has said in my hearing, that often-times just before we begin our session formally he does not have a thought in his head. And then my excellent dissertations begin, if you will forgive a touch of egoism on my part.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

That is, you will achieve the counterpart of sight, sound, smell, touch, embellished by inner counterparts of width and existence. You have trouble now with the duration of your inner visions because you are trying to transpose them according to physical camouflage time, and this is going about it in the wrong way to begin with. As I mentioned earlier in the last session, you have at your command even now an inroad so to speak, and a relatively accessible one, in what is termed psychological time.

This is closely related to one of the inner senses, the second inner sense, and it is upon psychological time that you must try to transpose your inner visions. You can see how handicapped we both are because of the difficulties involved in trying to make you understand inner data in terms of outer data, when the two are so apart, really, even while they are so closely connected. For instance, when I tell you that the second sense is like your sense of time, while this does give you a certain understanding or feeling of what this second sense is like, nevertheless it also is confusing, I know, because you are apt to compare the two too closely.

Perhaps I can clarify this slightly by saying that your experience of the second inner sense will feel somewhat like your appreciation of psychological time. I will go into this further. I suggest a short break. And I will, incidentally, have something to say about your new electronic toy.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Any such communications coming through the inner senses will exist in your psychological time. I have said also that this psychological time operates during sleep and during quiet times of consciousness. Now in dreams and in the dream framework you have the feeling of experiencing many hours, or even days. These days or hours that you seem to experience in dreams are not recorded by the physical body, and are outside of your physical time camouflage. If in a dream for example you experience within the framework two days, physically you do not age for these two days.

I am sure you see the many places that this can lead us. For one thing, psychological time is so much a part of inner reality that even though your inner self is still connected to the physical body, you are in the dream framework free of some very important physical effects. Now as your dreams seem to involve you in duration that is independent of your clock time, and I have much more to say here, so can you achieve the actual experience of duration as far as your inner visions are concerned.

But the minute, the physical minute, that you try to transpose these visions upon the physical minute, then you have lost them. Many times I am sure, in so-called daydreaming, you have lost track of physical time, and before you know it the experience of inner duration has entered in. Physical time so-called, that is clock time, is one of the latest and most artificial of your camouflages. It has nothing to do with your particular plane. It is a human invention of which your animals are blissfully ignorant.

In Denmark, you yourself were ignorant of this clock time. To people in earlier centuries clock time was unimportant; and from here in I will distinguish between physical time, which has to do with day and night, with the tides and seasons, and clock time with which I will deal only when absolutely necessary.

Psychological time fits into physical time with little trouble. Originally this enabled man in many ways to live in the inner and the outer world with relative ease. Psychological time can be transposed onto physical time, but psychological time cannot flow unhampered or with any freedom through days chopped up into so many clock divisions. The clock time idea was invented by the conscious ego of man for many various reasons, with fear in the foreground.

At another time we will have sessions dealing with evolution, and in these sessions we will cover the advent of clock time and its many ramifications. It is without doubt one of man’s tragedies, and it arose in large part out of this unpredictable dualism that befell him.

Physical time, or that is clock time, was invented by man’s ego to protect the ego itself, because of the mistaken conception of dual existence—that is, because man felt that a predictable conscious self did the thinking and the moving, and an unpredictable almost automatic self did the breathing and dreaming. He set up boundaries to protect the predictable self from what he considered the unpredictable self, and ended up by cutting the whole self in half.

Nor is the invention of clock time the only such mutilating device mistakenly invented and used to protect one part of the self from the other. You can almost trace back this fear through the legends and fantasies of the species.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:55. Jane reports that when she pauses for Seth, during a delivery, that she can sense the whole concept of whatever subject is being discussed. It appears to hang over her, but since it is too much to handle at once, she feels Seth withdrawing it, to release it to her a little at a time in the form of connected words.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You see, to me these things are closely associated and connected in an overall concept pattern, and yet I must give them to you one at a time, and take pages to make the connection clear. One of mankind’s weaknesses has always been his impatience and his preoccupation with camouflage patterns on his plane. It is this impatience that made him attempt to know himself by examining the outside world, rather than exploring what was within himself.

There is so much to tell you I can really only hit the high spots a good deal of the time. However as I told you, and as even your Malba spoke the truth for once, this will be for you and Ruburt a lifetime experience. And so we do have the time, even the physical time, so that all the material will be covered.

In prehistoric times mankind evolved the ego and self-consciousness to help him deal with the camouflage patterns that he had created. This is no contradiction, and will be explained later. He did the job so well that even when he had things under control he was not satisfied. He developed at a lopsided level. He used himself as a tool to dissect himself. The inside senses led him to a reality he could not manipulate as easily as he could a camouflage world, and he feared what he thought of as a loss of mastery.

The soul fantasy, or spirit fantasy, arose at about this time, and has been a disadvantage to him because it gives a name and a designation to one part of the whole self, setting it up against the other part. It is this basic conception, however, that also forced him to face one truth despite himself—that of continued existence, to which he gave the word immortality.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I wanted to say a little more about duration, as far as communication from the inner senses are concerned. As I said, duration can be experienced in relation to psychological time and within its framework. The important thing here, and I’m afraid the difficult thing for you here, is the relaxation of the mind from clock time. And this is a freedom which you can and should allow yourself in such instances.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

The first time this happened you were calling for help. Like most of the human race you feared the inner world so strongly, even though you were somewhat acquainted with it through your art, that nothing but panic would ever force you to try that invisible knob.

This time however there was a remembrance of panic, but that is all. Actually you opened the door out of desire, stimulated by our sessions and out of curiosity, but you were still scared to death.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

For this reason you attempted a rather hilarious feat. You tried to switch over and pick up inside data with the outside senses, and then project this inward. For a beginner it was quite a performance. You were attempting the impossible, and I will go into this also more thoroughly at a later time when you can understand the explanation a little better.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

At this stage you will do what you can to encourage it without my telling you, yourself, as you yourself initiated the event to begin with. Your own innate inner knowledge will aid you, and any intellectual comprehension at this time would not help; later it may.

I suggest a brief break. And this time my dear Joseph, do copy your strolling wife and move about.

(Break at 11:01. Seth’s material had reminded Jane that several times in the past she’d had the experience of hearing music when none was to be heard—that is, no radios were playing within range, etc. Jane has very acute hearing, but was still sure the music came from within. And usually she would realize that it had been “playing” for some time as she went about her duties before she became aware of it consciously. Jane resumed at 11:07.)

This is going to be a rather brief session comparatively. One note I wanted to make: As I have said, psychological time is a natural connective to the inner world. Though you experience days or hours within the framework of psychological time during the dream state, and yet do not age for a comparable amount of physical time, so as you develop in your use of psychological time you will be able to rest and be refreshed within the framework of psychological time while you are consciously awake. This will aid your mental and physical state to an amazing degree, and you will discover added vitality on the one hand, and a somewhat decreased need to sleep on the other.

Within any given five minutes of clock time, for example, you may find an hour of resting which is independent of clock time. I wanted to make this point earlier.

Ruburt’s forgotten-till-now experience with music was legitimate. Actually it reoccurred many times, I believe, and was always discarded by the conscious mind. Again, this involves feeling sound. That is all I will say for the moment, but it is a valuable foretaste.

When you grow tired or exhausted, one of the reasons for this is your inability to use even the simple psychological time to your own advantage. Remember this. I wish you good luck with your new thingamajig. If it is going to record my voice, then I wish it luck. Perhaps I shall play tricks on it. Perhaps I shall play tricks on you.

Incidentally again, hypnosis also helps you to use psychological time to a true advantage. The boundaries of clock time melt when psychological time is utilized. You can look through psychological time at clock time, and even use clock time to your advantage; but without the initial recognition of psychological time, then clock time is somewhat of a prison.

Your physical time of seasons and tides, and night and day, is to me one of your most delightful camouflages, and if Ruburt will excuse my clumsy attempt at being poetical, I will say that physical time is like a delightful flowing gown that clothes psychological time with many different colors and materials and designs. It is a most faithful reproduction of psychological time, and one of your truest camouflages.

This is why psychological time seems to flow so easily when physical time is pursued and watched by a quiet “I”. The one leads to the other and the camouflage is loose enough to let the inner form shine through. A proper use of psychological time will not only lead you into the inner world, but will also prevent you from being rushed in the physical world. Within it, that is within the framework of psychological time, you will discover a quiet and cool peacefulness. I tell you both this for your benefit, because both of you will gain much in the utilization of these added benefits.

Psychological time adds duration. You will find something else here. From the framework of psychological time you will see that clock time is as dreamlike and fleeting as you once thought inner time was. And you will discover that inner time is as much a reality as you once thought outer time was. You will discover your whole selves in other worlds, peeping inward and outward at the same time, and finding that all time is one time, and that all divisions are illusion.

You may take a break or you may end the session. And don’t say I haven’t led you on a merry chase tonight, for when you reread the material you will see that I have. I cannot stress too strongly the benefits you will receive by using psychological time as I have told you. You know now what it is and how to use it to advantage. Not only will it help the physical and mental being on your plane, but it will enable you to meet the whole self.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

If you will remember this, inner data will come through much more easily, and you will be able to control it. It is never of itself overpowering. There are abilities in which you can train yourself, in both recognition of data when it occurs, utilization, and control. This also implies to some degree utilization as far as duration is concerned. That is, within the framework of psychological time you can lengthen such experiences.

You can never force them to exist for a specified period of clock time, nor for that matter can you do that to a dream. Though this may sound impossible at this stage, nevertheless you can control such data when in a waking state better than you can control a dream. Here you learn to use certain parts of the consciousness for the purposes of the whole self, but I will discuss this at a later date.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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