1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:21 AND stemmed:portion)
[... 45 paragraphs ...]
That is the analogy. In actuality the mind is but a portion of the entity which looks out for the personality on the camouflage plane. Your guardian angel legends and such refer to this part of the entity, which is the mind and which is attached to the present personality during this particular existence. The mind helps to keep the personality from going too far astray. I use the term personality to include the whole person. I use it to express the entirety manifested in physical form, in one life.
The mind as I mentioned earlier is part of the inner plane. It is a mere portion of the entity itself.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
You are silly sometimes, Joseph. For shame. From the information you have been given before, and from the above paragraph, you should know that you are in contact with your own entities, in that the mind is a portion of the entity to begin with. I have told you that communication between a present personality and the entity is carried on by means of the inner senses, and I have told you that in these sessions you use the inner senses. Surely then the question answers itself.
[... 37 paragraphs ...]