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TES1 Session 19 January 27, 1964 19/79 (24%) camouflage fuel instruments plane brain
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 19 January 27, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

Because Ruburt’s background in this life was particularly bizarre in a way and certainly unpleasant, he became beautifully efficient as far as sensing the approach of psychic storms is concerned and very adept at sensing moods, and also amazingly efficient in learning self-protective devices. It is true that Ruburt can also be trapped by his own capacity for protection. In his case this amounts to a stubborn refusal to see what he does not want to see. However this mechanism seldom actually goes haywire in this manner. This represents merely a possibility that could occur.

I intend to go into Ruburt’s peculiarities at my leisure, and I will. Nevertheless it is still you, Joseph, with whom I will be concerned for a while. The fact remains that Ruburt’s intuitions have been of fairly high quality. It is true that your particular talents can give variety and reason to many of Ruburt’s ideas. In many cases you could for example accept Ruburt’s basic intuitive impulse, and then make your own changes. For example you could have left your position at a much earlier time and then made your own plans accordingly. When you both are intuitively attracted to the same proposed move then in most cases it would be wise to make it. Because you are so—is the word wobbly?—after your exercises I suggest a short break.

(Break at 9:25. I had done my yoga exercises at 8:30 and felt very relaxed and light-headed. My handwriting was very fluid. Smoking a cigarette during break, Jane received the words “—and as far as mediums are concerned—” but told Seth to wait until she had finished. She also admitted that she had been somewhat upset with Seth because of what he had told me the last two sessions; this I had not known. Jane resumed dictating at 9:30.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Mental enzymes are the transformers, and as I have said they are extremely important. I have spoken of the inner and outer senses to make our discussion easier. However you must know by now that there is no actual distinction between inner and outer. The apparent outer senses are merely concerned with the particular camouflage of a particular plane. The inner senses are concerned with vitalities beneath the camouflage. These inner senses, if I may use an analogy again, are like hidden underground trains that carry important fuel from one country to another.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I will go into this more deeply also. I am merely presenting a brief outline of the direction in which this material will go in the future. If you will ignore the apparent distinction between inner and outer senses you will get along at a faster rate. Even though they are not different things I must speak of them differently because they appear so on your plane. This is caused of course by the typical camouflage distortion effect, which occurs on almost every plane to some extent.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The tree bark for example is not really divided from the rest of the tree, yet I must speak as if it were so divided because this is one of the apparent effects that you see, and I could not ignore what you insist was the evidence of your senses. The evidence of your senses is usually camouflage. Let that one sink in.

The inner senses deal with what actually is. The inner senses are the carriers of our fuel, that is, they can be likened to the various cars of our imaginary train. It takes some doing to be aware of this fuel, since it is so instantly transformed by the outer senses into the stuff of camouflage. The process involved is subconscious. You can hardly catch yourself at it, and yet with training you will be able to catch yourself in the act.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Almost but not quite, our invisible fuel carried to us by our inner senses could be likened to the air which you breathe, and which on a calm day is so difficult to perceive.

You cannot see a handful of air though your hands may be full of it. You know its effects, you breathe it constantly, but consciously you do not realize what you are doing. You do not know how air tastes unless you really think hard about it. It is fuel to your physical body and the idea of it comes very close to this fuel of the inner senses, which is not a camouflage effect and which is our vitality unsolidified, or the little wires which make up our imaginary universe. In other words these little wires move along constantly like little individual railway cars carrying fuel, and also are composed of the very fuel themselves.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Using air again as a simple analogy to our fuel for the inner senses, which is converted by the various countries or planes for their own purposes and therefore camouflaged, air in its pure state is not observed easily. And permeating everything, it could almost pass unnoticed itself since it takes on the form of that which it composes.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I have added here the addition of water to air, yet they are composed of the same elements. The elements are the blocks which build our camouflage. Air and water have many forms even on your plane. The elements change position constantly to transform the inner vitality or fuel from one camouflage pattern to another. Then why is it so difficult to understand that this happens on other planes and under different camouflage sequences?

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Again, your elements, those that you know and those that you will discover, and the elements you will create, are only camouflages of the basic stuff or vitality, which you will not discover with your outer senses. Your scientists will discover that their tools are no longer adequate. Because man has such a sense of curiosity the scientists on your plane will be forced finally to use their own inner senses. Otherwise they will be dealing with camouflage only, and find themselves in a blind alley. Not because their eyes are closed, but because they are not using the right set of eyes. You will come no closer to knowledge of the fifth dimension until you use the inner senses as tools of perception.

The basic rules of the universe as I have said appear differently on different planes. The camouflage is necessary at this stage of development, intricate, complicated, various and beyond understanding of the outer senses which are the perceptors of camouflage itself, peculiarly adapted to see under particular circumstances. You cannot use camouflage to see through camouflage. There are basis rules in the universe. The inner senses use these rules consistently and well.

It is only the inner senses which will give you any evidence at all of the basic nature of life itself. Since very often the vitality or stuff of the universe seems as innocuous as air might seem to you, then look for what you do not see. Explore places that appear empty, for they are full. Look between events. What you see clearly with your outer senses is camouflage. I am not suggesting that you take everything on faith, nothing of the sort. I am saying that what seems vacant lacks camouflage, and therefore if this is explored it will yield evidence. I hope I have not carried you too far too fast.

Effects would seem to be evidence, and therefore when you probe into seemingly empty spaces you will receive effects which will be evidence. In concrete terms, if a tree branch blows you can take it for granted that something moves the branch. You know wind by its effects. No one has seen wind but since at times its effects are so observable it would be idiocy to say that wind did not exist. Therefore you will come up against the basic stuff of the universe and feel its effects, though your outer senses will not necessarily perceive it.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Your own experience with creativity should serve you well as far as this discussion goes. When you paint a picture, my dear egotistical Joseph, you are dealing with a transformation of energy and a transformation of camouflage pattern. There is a moment, a brief but vital moment in such an act of creation, when you are dealing with the underlying vitality of which I have spoken. You are forced because of your earthly physical situation to transform this creative energy into another camouflage pattern. There is nothing else you can do. But for this moment you pluck this vitality from the inner senses, you grab ahold of this fuel with both hands. You have it. You transform it into a somewhat different more evocative new camouflage pattern that is nevertheless more fluent, more fluid, than the usual pattern, and which gives greater freedom and mobility to the basic fuel or vitality itself. You approach a transmigration of planes.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Scientists realize that the atmosphere of the earth is a distortion, or has a distorting effect upon their instruments. What they do not understand is that their instruments themselves are bound to be distortive. This cannot be emphasized too strongly. Any material physical instrument will have built-in distortive effects. The one instrument which is more important than any other and which has given you, that is mankind, all its breakthroughs and advance is the brain. Or rather the mind which contains the brain, and which is the meeting place of the inner and outer senses.

Einstein used the miraculous aspects of his mind. Parts of the mind are almost completely undistorted. The mind is distributed throughout the whole physical body. The mind builds up about it the physical camouflages necessary for existence on your physical plane. The mind receives data from the inner senses and forms the camouflage necessary. The mind unconsciously or unself-consciously deals with the basic laws according to the camouflage effect that is vital for survival on your physical plane. The mind is the tool which must be used.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

I dislike the use of so many terms; since the brain is observable, I am tempted to use it to cover all abilities pertaining to mind in general. This would make it easier for you. However I will resist the temptation. The mind contains the brain. Material which comes from the so-called subconscious comes from that part of the mind which knows no boundaries, either of time or space, and in a deeper sense knows no boundaries of species or planes in any manner. The simple fact is that you are using this portion of the mind as a tool. Exercising the brain exercises the mind also, but the mind has abilities of which the brain is ignorant.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

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