1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:17 AND stemmed:let)
[... 42 paragraphs ...]
Your discipline in working habits and in living habits is admirable. Through your past life, that is the life before this one, you progressed along these lines. You do not have to forge them with steel now. They are sufficiently strong and dependable. You do not have to feel that they will let you down. Now for your own sake and for the sake of the art that you follow, you must allow yourself more inner freedom. There is a tendency in your present personality for forging discipline into a bond that could tie down your strong creative tendencies. It is true you needed controls. Now you have them. You stamped down upon your impulses with a frenzy, since once you felt they betrayed you.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
To be afraid of the shortage of time is to hoard it. To hoard it is to strangle it. But to respect time is not to hoard it, but to let each moment enlarge so that it becomes more than a moment, and only the strong freedom of your subconscious drives can achieve this.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt’s training is coming along very well. However I prefer that we wait a while longer. As Ruburt becomes more proficient there will be less screening of material. Any experiments you may try on your own will now be of definite value. Your ideas as far as hypnotism are concerned are harmless. At the present time Ruburt in these sessions is able to let me speak, obviously, which means that Ruburt allows me to come through.
[... 45 paragraphs ...]