1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:15 AND stemmed:memori)

TES1 Session 15 January 13, 1964 1/94 (1%) Willy fragment dominant plane cat
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 15 January 13, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed

[... 58 paragraphs ...]

Such people realize their deficiency, yet conversely because they do have a distorted but seemingly dominant “I” they are only all the more furious and confused. There is no basic unifying factor to give them consistency, and no unifying subconscious memories to give them true inner identity. This is one of the main reasons why they strike out at strongly integrated personalities, and why it is so easy for them to be catapulted by raw emotion into tragedies of this sort.

[... 34 paragraphs ...]

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