1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:13 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 27 paragraphs ...]
Perhaps I may be able to make mental enzymes clearer afterwards since they have a basic part to play in the universe, at least as I know it so far. Let me say though in your own experience you are familiar with steam, water and ice. These are all manifestations of the same thing. So can a seemingly physical chlorophyll be also a part of a seemingly immaterial emotion or feeling, but in a different form; and of course directed into this form or caused to take various forms as response to certain laws, as of course ice will not exist of itself in the middle of your summertime. And if I am not to be compared to a symphony, Joseph, you must admit I do well with a figurative baton.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Let the definition go for a moment however while I make this one point. I have said that our imaginary wires that seem to permeate our model universe are alive, and now if you will bear with me I will say that they are mental enzymes or solidified feelings, always of course in motion and yet permanent enough to form a more or less consistent framework. (Pause.) You could almost say that mental enzymes become the tentacles which form material, though I do not find that a very pleasant phrase.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Jane dictates:) Your question leaves much to be desired. I am not certain if you refer to the subconscious memory of personality, the conscious memory of personality, or of the memory of an entity. The entity of course represents and is aware of the lives of all its personalities.
You on your plane for example do not even have conscious memory of your own dream fragments. For that matter you can hardly remember one idea from one week to another on a conscious deliberate basis. It is simply impossible for the ego as you know it to maintain conscious dominance at this time. (Pause.)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(The above was spelled out. End at 10:30. (The following material is included here because it is dealt with in the next session, the 14th. I wrote these notes on the morning of January 8; they came to mind while I was working on an ink drawing of a complicated tree bearing within it two birds’ nests. I began the drawing in reference to an image Seth had conjured up in an earlier session on the fifth dimension. I believe these thoughts came to me so easily because I had been making some conscious efforts to think in new ways, and they were triggered by my working on this particular drawing.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]