1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:13 AND stemmed:solidifi)
[... 25 paragraphs ...]
This has also much to do believe it or not with feeling, which also is a mover. You must try not to categorize things in old ways, but when you open your mind you will see a similarity between chlorophyll as a mental enzyme or mover, and emotion which is never still. Emotion solidified is something else again and perhaps is a framework of other worlds. (Pause.) And really Jane, you’re giving your subconscious an awful lot of credit. Let’s see credit where credit is due.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Jane dictates:) Why do you find the phrase solidified feeling outlandish? You both already understand that your plane is really composed of solidified thought. When your scientists get through with all their high fiddle-faddle they too will discover that this is the case, though woe to any one of them that dares breathe such a concept yet.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Joking aside, I will now ask you to imagine these wires as being composed of the solidified emotion of which I have just spoken. Surely you must know that even the words feeling or emotion are at best symbols to describe something else, and this something else comes extremely close to your mental enzymes.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
These mental enzymes, to go back to them, are solidified feeling but not in the term again that you usually think of. I see I will have to try to give you a better definition of feeling or we will get into trouble.
Let the definition go for a moment however while I make this one point. I have said that our imaginary wires that seem to permeate our model universe are alive, and now if you will bear with me I will say that they are mental enzymes or solidified feelings, always of course in motion and yet permanent enough to form a more or less consistent framework. (Pause.) You could almost say that mental enzymes become the tentacles which form material, though I do not find that a very pleasant phrase.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
(A drawing is solidified action. In the process of drawing I am solidifying emotion or feeling. There is distortion present, but still I put down something that my obvious senses can perceive. It is an attempt to get to the heart, the mind’s heart, of the matter.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]