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TES1 Session 11 January 1, 1964 27/41 (66%) mirror palm wrist fingers hand
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 11 January 1, 1964 8:30 PM Wednesday Unscheduled

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


(Then Jane suddenly announced in a firm, clear voice: “Watch the hand.” [...] Jane felt her left hand immediately grow cold. [...] Seth-Jane talked constantly from then on. Jane, Bill and I hunched over the table, over the left hand. [...]


(Jane’s hand slowly regained its normal shape. [...] Then, a second set of fingers began to rise up, over Jane’s own fingers. Now, it would have been easy enough for Jane to bend her own fingers up into this position. [...] Had they been Jane’s own fingers, the nails would have been on the undersides, and invisible.)


(Now, while Jane still sat with her left wrist pressed to the table, her hand, turning white in part again, rose several inches [perhaps three by my estimate] up from the table. My hands were held by Jane on my left and Bill on my right, but Bill passed his free right hand beneath Jane’s hand to see that it was actually rising and was not an illusion. [Was Jane’s elbow dropping, so the hand rose up? [...]


(I now asked Jane to place the ring in the upturned palm of her left hand. [...] I wanted to see if the questions would help Jane establish contact with another entity or a fragment. Since we seemed to be getting nowhere, Jane began to answer me aloud. [...]


(Jane’s hand returned to the table and resumed again its pawlike shape. [...] I touched my fingertips to Jane’s palm. The hand, pawlike, clublike, felt very cold to me, wet and clammy, and the skin had a bumpy feeling that I was not used to in Jane’s hand.


(Seth then had the cold inner light suffuse Jane’s wrist and palm to an even more remarkable degree. At the joining of hand and wrist, the flesh rose up in an egglike lump; the light crept up Jane’s arm to her sweater, and bled down her fingers until all semblance of shadow was gone. Then, to end this part of the demonstration, Seth had Jane place her hands side by side so that we could plainly see the difference between the two. [...]


(Jane’s hand began to change its general proportions. [...] Jane’s fingers, normally long and graceful, had shrunken to stubby appendages, or so it appeared. [...]


[...] We did exactly as Seth told us to; often, for instance, I wanted to reach out and grasp Jane’s hand while it was in metamorphosis, but I did not touch it until Seth said to. During the whole time, Jane-Seth spoke constantly. [...]


[...] As Jane continued to talk, her image did slowly begin to change in the mirror. [...] And then the head tilted and looked down, while Jane stared straight ahead into the mirror.


(Jane was quite tired. [...] To Bill, while he thought he sensed a change in the shape of Jane’s head in the mirror, there was little else to be seen. [...]

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