1 result for (book:ss AND session:589 AND stemmed:person)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Now: We will continue. There are kinds of consciousness that cannot be deciphered in physical terms. The “personality” who originated the paragraphs you have just read is such a one.
As mentioned, there is the same kind of connection between that personality and myself as the one that exists between Ruburt and myself. But in your terms, Seth Two is far further divorced from my reality than I am from Ruburt’s. You can imagine Seth Two as a future portion of me if you prefer, and yet far more is involved.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(9:18.) My own reincarnational personalities, probable selves, and even Seth Two exist within me now, as I exist within them. In your terms, Seth Two is more advanced. In your terms, he is more alien, since he cannot relate to your physical existence as well as I do because of my background in it.
Still, my experience enriches Seth Two, and his experiences enrich me to the extent that I am able to perceive and translate them for my own use. In the same way, Ruburt’s personality is expanded through relationship with me, and I also gain through the experience, as even the best of teachers learns from each dimension of activity.
In larger terms, my soul includes my reincarnational personalities, Seth Two, and probable selves. I am as aware of my probable selves, incidentally, as I am of my reincarnational existences. Your concept of the soul is simply so limited. I am not really speaking in terms of group souls, though this interpretation can also be made.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
In the gestalt of my personality, as in your terms I lived later richer lives, that woman was alive again in me — as, for example, the child is alive in the adult, and filled with gratitude comparing later circumstances to the earlier existences. She urged me to use my advantages better.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
All of existence and consciousness is interwoven. Only when you think of the soul as something different, separate, and therefore closed, are you led to consider a separate god — a personality that seems to be apart from creation.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]