1 result for (book:ss AND session:589 AND heading:introduct AND stemmed:reincarn)

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 589, August 4, 1971 7/41 (17%) soul reincarnational sprang Two blasé
– Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two
– Chapter 22: A Goodbye and an Introduction: Aspects of Multidimensional Personality as Viewed Through My Own Experience
– Session 589, August 4, 1971, 9:04 P.M. Wednesday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I am myself using simple terms here to try and make these ideas clearer. In a trance state, Ruburt can contact me. In a state in some ways similar to a trance, I can contact Seth Two. We are related in ways quite difficult to explain, united in webs of consciousness. My reality includes, then, not only reincarnational identities but also other gestalts of being that do not necessarily have any physical connections.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(9:18.) My own reincarnational personalities, probable selves, and even Seth Two exist within me now, as I exist within them. In your terms, Seth Two is more advanced. In your terms, he is more alien, since he cannot relate to your physical existence as well as I do because of my background in it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In larger terms, my soul includes my reincarnational personalities, Seth Two, and probable selves. I am as aware of my probable selves, incidentally, as I am of my reincarnational existences. Your concept of the soul is simply so limited. I am not really speaking in terms of group souls, though this interpretation can also be made.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Each of you are involved in the same kind of relationships, whether or not you are aware of them. Though it seems to you that reincarnational existences involve past and future events, they are existences parallel or adjacent to your own present life and consciousness. Other aspects of your greater identity exist, relatively speaking, about or around these.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

So in you, your various reincarnational existences in a large manner co-occur. Using the analogy of adulthood again, it is as if the child within you is a part of your own memory and experience, and yet in another way has left you, gone apart from you as if you are only one adult that the child “turned into.” So the people that I have been have gone their own way, and yet are a part of me and I of them.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(“Okay.” 9:55. Jane had no images of the woman Seth had been discussing. She remembered how, in early sessions, Seth had talked about a minimum of three reincarnational existences for most entities — and how “scandalized” she’d been later when she began to realize that Seth had lived many lives. Now, she finds that the idea of simultaneity of “reincarnational” lives is quite acceptable; this fits her emotional and intellectual temperament. When the sessions began, Jane was especially bothered by what she called the trite and popular ideas about reincarnation, mixed up as they were with ideas of good and evil, punishment, etc.

(“I go along wholeheartedly with Seth’s statement that reincarnation is as much a myth as a fact,” she said now, referring to an ESP class session. In that session, for May 4, 1971, Seth said in part: “So what you understand of reincarnation, and of the time terms involved, is a very simplified tale indeed…. Reincarnation, in its own way, is also a parable. It seems very difficult for you to understand that you live in many realities — and many centuries — at one time….” 10:22. Resume at a slow pace.)

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

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