1 result for (book:ss AND session:584 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(We had been talking about those subjects just before the session, although I hadn’t planned to refer to them tonight. “Number fifty-eight: Are there any more Laws of the Inner Universe, other than those you gave in the 50th session for May 4, 1964?”)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(To me): Now you early foresaw your part in these sessions, and our work. One of the paintings you did many years ago clearly foreshadowed the development of your psychic endeavors. This was the one you sold, of the man that hung for some time in the position in which my portrait now hangs. That was a portrait of Joseph; in other words of your own inner identity as you intuitively perceived it at the time. You were not consciously aware of the connection, but you were consciously aware of the painting’s strong impact.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
(10:09. Jane’s trance had been deep, her delivery fast. She said she could see the 1954 painting very clearly while Seth talked about it, including its wide, old-fashioned gold frame. At first she had forgotten what the frame looked like, she told me, but now correctly described it. Naturally, the painting was sold before we had any conscious awareness of its import. This would be not only before the sessions began, but before we even suspected such possibilities. The balance of the session is deleted from the record. End at 10:28 P.M.)
* Inner vibrational touch is one of our Inner Senses. Seth lists these in Chapter Nineteen of The Seth Material. To paraphrase: Using this sense, an observer standing on a typical street would feel the experience of being anything he chose within his field of notice: people, trees, insects, blades of grass. He would retain his own consciousness, and would perceive sensations somewhat in the way we now feel heat and cold. This sense is like empathy, but much more vital.