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SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 582, April 19, 1971 2/55 (4%) evolved portraits Mrs Speakers evolution
– Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two
– Chapter 20: Questions and Answers
– Session 582, April 19, 1971, 9:20 P.M. Monday

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

(“Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of biblical creation. Both are quite handy, and both are methods of telling stories, and both might seem to agree within their own systems, and yet, in larger respects they cannot be realities…. No — no form of matter, however potent, will be self-evolved into consciousness, no matter what other bits of matter are added to it. Without the consciousness, the matter would not be there in the universe, floating around, waiting for another component to give it reality, consciousness, existence, or song.”

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

They exist now, however, as certainly as do, say, the dinosaurs. You only choose to focus your attention upon a highly specific field of space-time coordinates, accepting these as present reality, and closing yourselves off from all others. Specifically, complicated physical forms are not the result of previous simpler ones. They all exist in larger terms at once.

[... 28 paragraphs ...]

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