1 result for (book:ss AND session:581 AND stemmed:light)
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(By M.H. Her query was based on a theory that, as it happened, I’d heard of also: A group of scientists has postulated the existence of a class of subatomic particles called “tachyons,” or “meta-particles,” that always travel faster than the speed of light.
(According to the theory of relativity, no particle can be accelerated to the speed of light because its mass would become infinitely large as it approached light’s velocity; but this barrier is bypassed by stating that the particles in question have an imaginary proper mass — not rest mass — that is never less than the speed of light. M.H. asked, then: “Are these faster-than-light particles the same as, or like, the electromagnetic energy or EE units Seth discusses in the Appendix of The Seth Material?”)
I told you some time ago that there were many gradations of matter, or form, that you did not perceive. In your terms many of these particles making up such constructions do move faster than the speed of your light.
Your light, again, represents only a portion of an even larger spectrum than that of which you know; and when your scientists study its properties, they can only investigate light as it intrudes into the three-dimensional system. The same of course applies to a study of the structure of matter or form.
There are indeed universes composed of such faster-than-light particles. Some of these in your terms share the same space as your own universe. You simply would not perceive such particles as mass. When these particles are slowed down sufficiently, you do experience them as matter.
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Some of these will fall into the faster-than-light groupings, and have a perceivable vitality within that framework. These faster-than-light particles of course exist in their own kind of form then. There are many ranges and great varieties of such units, all existing beyond your perceivable reach. To lump them together in such a way, however, is misleading, for within all of this there is great order.
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(Pause at 9:40.) Your consciousness, however, is equipped to create realities in other fields as well. Now in certain dreams and out-of-body experiences, your own consciousness moves faster than the speed of light, and under such conditions you are able to perceive some of these other forms of “mass or matter.”
The EE units are quite simply incipient forms of reality: seeds automatically given birth, suited for different environments, some appearing within the physical framework, and some not conforming at all to its prerequisites. Now some systems of reality are “bounded” with centers of faster-than-light particles. These begin to slow down at a rhythmic rate toward the peripheries, in your terms over great distances, until actually the outside slower particles to some extent imprison the center masses even though they move much more quickly, but within a confined area.
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(9:52.) It will not be physically perceived. You see only its results. Since consciousness can travel faster than the speed of light, then when it is not imprisoned by the slower particles of the body it can become aware of some of these other realities. Without training, however, it will not know how to interpret what it sees. The physical brain is the mechanism by which thought or emotion is automatically formed into EE units of the proper range and intensity to be used by the physical organism.
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(A note, pertaining to faster-than-light effects. On the Sunday following this session, a leading New York City newspaper reported that astronomers have observed two components of a quasar flying apart at, apparently, ten times the speed of light. This is an astonishing discovery, one that is impossible according to the laws of physics.
(Quasars — quasi-stellar radio sources — are extraordinarily powerful sources of light and radio waves. Most scientists believe they exist on the edge of our observable universe. If this is so, they are so far away that their energy has taken billions of years to reach us. Resume at 10:20.)
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