1 result for (book:ss AND session:574 AND stemmed:bodi)

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 574, March 17, 1971 6/49 (12%) adjacent Middleton landscape malady Patty
– Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two
– Chapter 19: Alternate Presents and Multiple Focus
– Session 574, March 17, 1971, 9:26 P.M. Wednesday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

At this level many abilities may be used, and the present moment can be experienced in many different fashions, using as a basis the physical data with which you are already familiar. In your normal state you see the body. In A-l your consciousness can enter the body of another, and heal it. You can in the same manner perceive the state of your own physical image. You can, according to your abilities, manipulate matter from the inside consciously, with lucidity and alertness.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Pause at 9:33. Jane has already discovered that she has very good abilities using A-1 as a “side platform.” This is a natural method for her. As she puts it: “Just off to the right of my cheek there’s this little figure, this tiny little me that I can send places and do things with.” When requested to, she has been able to enter the bodies of others with this miniature self, to check on various maladies, their causes, etc. Trying my own version of this technique, I have been able to enter Jane’s knee for instance.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You can perceive the moment’s reality as it exists for your intestine, or your hand; and experience, with practice, the present inner peace and commotion that exist simultaneously within your physical body. This brings a great appreciation and wonder, a sense of unity with the living corporeal material of which you are physically composed. With practice you can become as intuitively aware of your internal physical environment, as [of] your external physical environment.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Feelings can be examined in the same way. They will appear differently, with much greater mobility. Thoughts, for example, may appear as stationary structures, as flowers or trees, houses or landscapes. Feelings will appear more often in the changing mobility of water, wind, weather, skies and changing color. Any physical ailment, then, can be perceived in this state by looking inward into the body and discovering it; then by changing what you see you may find yourself entering your body or another’s as a very small miniature, or as a point of light, or simply without any substance, yet aware of the inner body environment.

(9:54.) You change what needs to be changed in whatever way occurs to you, then — by directing the body’s energy in that direction, by entering the flesh and bringing certain portions together that need this adjustment, by manipulating areas of the spine. Then from this adjacent platform of A-l consciousness, you perceive the mental thought patterns of yourself or the other person in whatever way you find characteristic of you.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(10:30.) You do the same with each of the other choices, all from the framework of that state of consciousness. The methods in each case are the same. You make the decision. You then become aware in whatever way you choose of the physical effects within your body. You enter the body as you did in the way I gave earlier for healing. With great sensitivity you are able to see what physical effect the decision will have — whether the state of the body remains the same, whether there is a great sense of health within it, or the incipient beginning of great difficulties.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

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