1 result for (book:ss AND session:571 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)

SS Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 571, March 3, 1971 26/51 (51%) symbols stages joy reverie signposts
– Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two
– Chapter 18: Various Stages of Consciousness, Symbolism, and Multiple Focus
– Session 571, March 3, 1971, 9:17 P.M. Wednesday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


(Long pause; the pace was still slow at this point.) Consciousness can be turned in many directions, obviously, both inward and outward. You are aware of fluctuations in your normal consciousness, and closer attention would make some of this quite clear. [...] You may focus upon one object almost to the exclusion of everything else at times, so that you literally are not conscious of the room in which you sit.


To some extent, all of these are small examples of the mobility of your consciousness, and the ease with which it can be used. In a strange manner, symbols can be regarded as samples of the way you perceive at various levels of consciousness. [...] Fire, for example, is a symbol made physical, so a real fire tells you obviously that you are perceiving reality with your physically attuned consciousness.


[...] Here you begin to draw into regions of consciousness in which symbols become less and less necessary, and it is a largely unpopulated area indeed. [...] Consciousness is less and less physically oriented. In this stage of consciousness the soul finds itself alone with its own feelings, stripped of symbolism and representations, and begins to perceive the gigantic reality of its own knowing.


At different levels, consciousness works with different kinds of symbols. [...] Working in one direction the soul, using its consciousness, expresses inner reality through as many symbols as possible, through living, changing symbolism. Each symbol itself then is to its own extent conscious, individual, and aware.


The houses or apartments will always be different, and yet the symbol is always a signpost that he has reached a particular point of consciousness, and is ready to enter another state of consciousness. [...] Unless you make an effort at self-exploration, however, these symbolic guideposts will make no conscious sense.


[...] In this realm of consciousness an entire book may be written, or one’s life plans thoroughly scrutinized. Your present time is one of many dimensions that help form this particular stage of consciousness. [...] You have to learn your way about, for the states of consciousness and their environment stretch out in their own way as your world stretches out, say, in space. [...]


(9:33.) A mental picture of a fire automatically tells you that another kind of consciousness is involved. [...] Symbols represent the infinite variations of feelings, and in various stages of consciousness these will appear in different terms, but they will always accompany you.


[...] These stages of consciousness are infrequent and seldom translated into normal conscious terms.


Let us take a particular feeling and follow it through as it might be expressed at various levels of consciousness. [...] In normal consciousness, the immediate environment will be perceived in a far different manner than it would be, say, if an individual were in a state of depression. [...]


[...] These symbols are the changing scenes characteristic of consciousness at various stages. The experiences are to be considered as creations; creative acts all native to consciousness at various stages.

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