1 result for (book:ss AND session:537 AND stemmed:recuper)

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 537, June 24, 1970 1/51 (2%) John center Barclay death corpse
– Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two
– Chapter 9: The “Death” Experience
– Session 537, June 24, 1970, 9:24 P.M. Wednesday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

First of all, it should be obvious from what I have said so far that there is no one after-death reality, but [that] each experience is different. Generally speaking, however, there are dimensions into which these individual experiences will fall. For example, there is an initial stage for those who are still focused strongly in physical reality, and for those who need a period of recuperation and rest. On this level there will be hospitals and rest homes. The patients do not yet realize that there is nothing wrong with them at all.

[... 42 paragraphs ...]

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