1 result for (book:ss AND session:532 AND stemmed:function)

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 532, May 27, 1970 2/46 (4%) sleep hours periods inactivity recuperate
– Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One
– Chapter 8: Sleep, Dreams, and Consciousness
– Session 532, May 27, 1970, 9:24 P.M. Wednesday

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

This would not lead to a blurring of consciousness or focus. Instead the greater flexibility would result in a perfection of conscious focus. The seeming great division between the waking and the sleeping self is largely a result of the division in function, the two being largely separated — a block of time being allotted to the one, and a larger block of time to the other. They are kept apart, then, because of your use of time.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

The functions of hormones and chemicals, and of adrenal processes in particular, would function with far greater effectiveness with these alternating periods of activities as I have mentioned. The wear and tear upon the body would be minimized, while at the same time all regenerative powers would be used to the maximum. Both those with a high and low metabolism would benefit.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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