5 results for (book:ss AND heading:introduct AND stemmed:three)

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

There will be a chapter on the religions of the world, on the distortions and truths within them; the three Christs; and some data concerning a lost religion, belonging to a people of which you have no information. These people lived on a planet in the same space that your earth now occupies, “before” your planet existed. They destroyed it through their own error, and were reincarnated when your planet was prepared. Their memories became the basis for the birth of religion as you now think of it.

“This may be the kind of play in which the ‘gods’ indulge, from which creations grow, sprawling out in all directions. We may be responding to the gods in ourselves — those inner sparks of knowing that defy our own three-dimensional knowledge.

Here is another note of interest along these lines. I write three drafts of my own work, and sometimes still wind up dissatisfied. This book was dictated in its final draft. Seth also followed his outline far more faithfully than I’ve ever followed mine. He also deviated from it in some cases, however, as is every author’s right.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 588, August 2, 1971 pope bells Rome donkeys occupations

(“I had two illegitimate children [class laughter], a mistress that sneaked into my private study, a magician that I kept in case I did not do too well on my own, a housekeeper who was pregnant every year that I had her, and three daughters who joined a nunnery because I would not have them — and I am referred to in barely three paltry lines, for my reign did not last very long.

[...] Then she remembered a stinking stall with dirty straw, and “three men wearing dirty brown robes, of pretty rough cloth.”

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 590, August 9, 1971 pope populace reign Caprina churchman

The records would show one reign of one pope; but one, two, or even three different men may have filled the position. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 589, August 4, 1971 soul reincarnational sprang Two blasé

[...] She remembered how, in early sessions, Seth had talked about a minimum of three reincarnational existences for most entities — and how “scandalized” she’d been later when she began to realize that Seth had lived many lives. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 591, August 11, 1971 Christ Luke Matthew conspiracy crucifixion

Peter three times denied the Lord (Matthew 26), saying he did not know him, because he recognized that that person was not Christ.