2 results for (book:ss AND heading:introduct AND stemmed:normal)

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

In The Seth Material, published in 1970, I explained these events and gave Seth’s views on a variety of subjects with excerpts from the sessions. I also described our encounters with psychologists and parapsychologists, as we tried to understand our experiences and place them within the context of normal life. The tests we conducted to verify Seth’s clairvoyant abilities were also described. As far as we are concerned, he came through with flying colors.

Anyone can say, of course, that in Seth’s book the hidden processes are so separate from my normal consciousness that the final product only seems to come from another personality. I can only state my own feelings and emphasize that Seth’s book, and the whole six-thousand-page manuscript of Seth material, don’t take care of my own creative expression or responsibility. If both came from the same unconscious, it seems that there would be no slack to take up.

Seth also appears frequently in the dreams of my students, giving them instructions that work — either involving methods of using their abilities or of achieving certain goals. Almost all of my students have frequent “class dreams,” also, in which Seth addresses them as a group and initiates dream experiments. Sometimes they see him as he appears in the portrait Rob painted of him. On occasion he speaks through my image, as in normal sessions. I have awakened many times, when such dream sessions were taking place, hearing Seth’s words still lingering in my mind.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 588, August 2, 1971 pope bells Rome donkeys occupations

I did not play the part of any towering personality of historical note, but became experienced in the homey and intimate details of daily life, the normal struggle for achievement, the need for love. [...]