2 results for (book:ss AND heading:introduct AND stemmed:characterist)

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

The next chapter will describe what you may call my present environment; my present “characteristics,” and my associates. By this I mean those others with whom I come in contact.

Despite this, I’m aware of the fact that I was necessary to the production of Seth’s book. He needs my ability with words; even, I think, my turn of mind. Certainly my writing training aids in the translation of his material and helps give it form, no matter how unconsciously this is done. Certain personality characteristics are important too, I imagine — the agility with which I can switch the focus of my consciousness, for example.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 589, August 4, 1971 soul reincarnational sprang Two blasé

[...] When you think of the soul as a closed system you perceive it as such, and close off from yourself the knowledge of its greater creativity and characteristics.

You are also using your own abilities, however, for your own characteristics largely determine the amount of help you receive. [...]