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SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

My psychic initiation really began one evening in September, 1963, however, as I sat writing poetry. Suddenly my consciousness left my body, and my mind was barraged by ideas that were astonishing and new to me at the time. On return to my body, I discovered that my hands had produced an automatic script, explaining many of the concepts that I’d been given. The notes were even titled — The Physical Universe as Idea Construction.

It was extremely difficult to choose a few excerpts on any given topic from Seth’s growing body of work. As a result, The Seth Material necessarily left many questions unanswered and many topics unexplored. Two weeks after it was finished, however, Seth dictated the outline for this present manuscript, in which he would be free to state his ideas in his own way, in book form.

I do not have a physical body, and yet I will be writing a book. The first chapter will explain how and why.

As Rob’s notes show, I often have other kinds of experiences, also, while speaking for Seth. Sometimes, for instance, I see inner visions. These may illustrate what Seth is saying, so that I am receiving information in two ways, or they may be completely separate from the script. I’ve had several “out-of-body” experiences also during sessions, when I saw events actually happening some thousands of miles away.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 591, August 11, 1971 Christ Luke Matthew conspiracy crucifixion

(10:10.) In the Last Supper when Christ said, “This is my body, and this is my blood,” He meant to show that the spirit was within all matter, interconnected, and yet apart — that his own spirit was independent of his body, and also in his own way to hint that he should no longer be identified with his body. For he knew the dead body would not be his own.

[...] The tomb was empty because this same group carted the body away. [...] He caused the wounds to appear then upon his own body, and appeared both physically and in out-of-body states to his followers. [...]

[...] Christ then changed his mode of behavior, appearing quite often in out-of-body states to his followers. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 590, August 9, 1971 pope populace reign Caprina churchman

(10:41.) Personality changes whether it is within a body or outside of it, so you will change after death as you change before it. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 589, August 4, 1971 soul reincarnational sprang Two blasé

[...] It seems to him then that his consciousness goes out of his body through an invisible pyramid whose open top stretches far up into space.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 588, August 2, 1971 pope bells Rome donkeys occupations

[...] Her body seems to be left behind.