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SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, June 23, 1970 8/30 (27%) couch transpose organization solid assumptions
– Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix
– ESP Class Session: Tuesday, June 23, 1970

(Some sixteen members of Jane’s ESP class were present when this session was taped. In the session, here slightly abbreviated, Seth discusses organization in our present reality, among others. See the 537th session in Chapter Nine for material on after-death organization.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I have said this before: If you were able to focus your attention upon the dissimilarities, merely those that you can perceive but do not, then you would be amazed that mankind can form any idea of an organized reality. (As Seth, Jane looked at the couch, where Mary and Art were sitting.) I look now between the two of you. When the others look at our friends here on the fancy blue couch, they see a picture of true organization. There is an individual there (pointing), and an individual there, with space between. The picture is equalized. It appears perfect and organized.

However, the space between our two friends is not vacant. You think of it as vacant because you do not perceive what is there. The picture appears to be very organized. As soon as you realize that the picture is not complete, however, then you must begin to ask new questions, and the old idea of the perfect organization is gone.

Now: As you know, you do not perceive the atoms and molecules that swim about the room, nor those that fill the space between our two friends, nor the forces — the field forces — that exist. The couch serves to unite them since they sit upon it. And what do they sit upon? Emptiness that you perceive as solidity.

Now without your particular physical senses you would not perceive the couch as solid. Consciousness that has different perceptive mechanisms than your own is unaware of our now famous blue couch. You make the organization. Your thoughts perceive an organization. You enforce the organization, and indeed create it.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

There are other root assumptions that you take as a basis of reality. And in other levels of reality, there are other root assumptions. These are the seeming laws by which you govern your experiences. Our note takers are doing very well, considering that the paper is not solid and neither are their pens. It is amazing what you can do with nothing!

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Question: “Then we need those beliefs as part of our development, even though we cast them off later?”)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now I am going to close our session, but I would like you all to read carefully a copy of what I have said. And now and then, when you have nothing else to do — nothing better to do — then try, try to sense that lapse in the pulsation of your consciousness. Try to leap that gap!

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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