1 result for (book:ss AND heading:"appendix esp class session tuesday januari 5 1971" AND stemmed:person)
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You and your reincarnated selves, or personalities, are not imprisoned in time. There is a constant interchange going on between what you think of as your present self, and your past and future selves. If this were not the case, then I would not be speaking here, for I am not Ruburt’s past self. Each personality is free. Time has open ends in all directions or such a thing as probabilities would not exist. Therefore, actions that you make now can help a so-called past personality; and a so-called future personality may step in and help you along your weary way.
Also, your actions now can affect the future personality as well as the past one. You must try to stretch your imagination and feel these realities, because the intellect alone cannot comprehend them. Psychological time is your best method for perceiving these actualities.
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(During break a student, Janice S., wanted to know if Seth was a part of Jane’s personality.)
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There are certain answers that cannot be given verbally, but must be intuitively understood. Yet the fact that I exist and can communicate should show you, in simple terms, that other “higher aspects” of your personality can help you out on occasion.
[... 46 paragraphs ...]