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SDPC Preface 36/59 (61%) Sonja Jack program television camera
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Preface

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


Today I received scientific corroboration by mail from James Beal, a NASA scientist, for some of Seth’s data on the units that Seth says underlie all physical particles. This information, given to us in sessions, was published in the appendix of The Seth Material. The paper Jim sent was so professionally oriented that I could hardly understand it, couched as it was in specialized mathematical language. Yet through Seth, we had received the same data. Someone — my own unconscious or Seth — had access to it; that much is certain. [...]


During the interview Jack asked me if Seth would come through. I replied that it was up to Seth. [...] Instead, Jack began to play a taped Seth session. As I heard those deep resonant tones of his, I knew that Seth was present.


I don’t “become” Seth. [...] Sometimes I am distantly aware that my facial muscles are being rearranged as they mirror Seth’s emotions rather than mine. [...] Though my eyes are wide open, it is Seth who looks out and smiles at Rob; Seth who speaks through my lips, discussing the nature of reality and existence from the viewpoint of someone not confined to the three-dimensional world.


[...] I hadn’t held a regular Seth session since the tour. [...] Regular Seth sessions in the privacy of our living room were one thing. [...] “Oh, Seth,” I said mentally, in consternation.


[...] At a level beneath words, I knew that Seth was right: this was the time. [...] “It’s Seth,” I muttered quickly. My face must have begun to change even then, the muscles rearranging themselves into Seth’s characteristic expressions, because in that last moment I saw what seemed to be a gigantic camera lens coming in for a close-up. [...]


A few day’s later, I received a long distance call at home from a woman who told me that Seth’s appearance on the “Today’s Woman Show” convinced her of life after death, though she had never believed in it before. She also said that listening to Seth had been the most profound religious experience of her life, although Seth had not talked in specific religious terms. [...]


I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to see the television program, because I’ve never seen myself as Seth in trance except in a few photographs. Seth manifests through me, addressing himself to others who feel the impact of his personality, but I can’t see this as they do from the outside, objectively. To observers, Seth’s otherness from me is apparent in the way the open eyes are used, in the gestures and rearrangement of facial patterns. [...]


[...] It wouldn’t astonish me either to learn that Seth in an entirely different dimension speaks for a personality called Jane. In fact, I sometimes amuse myself by imagining a situation in which Seth wonders if Jane is a secondary personality with an obsessive belief in some improbable physical reality. Seth, however, is far more knowledgeable than I am, so if he were speaking for me, then I’m afraid he would get the lesser end of the bargain.


And, as far as I know, Seth has no imprisoning body. [...] Curious thought — I can also imagine some good-humored game of musical chairs in which I try to get out of my body, while Seth tries to get into it. [...] Seth doesn’t have any great interest in taking over my body for any length of time, while I have an insatiable curiosity about the experience of getting out of mine.


Even without a physical form, Seth is highly effective in our world. Through me, he is producing the Seth Material, a continuing manuscript dealing with the nature of reality, consciousness and identity that now totals over fifty notebooks. He is also dictating his own book: Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul. To date, we have held nearly six hundred sessions. [...]

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