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SDPC Introduction Valerie metaphor grief hospital death

Many people know of Jane’s death by now, and this makes it impossible for me to deal with that event in chronological order within her books. By rights, I shouldn’t be mentioning it sequentially until I publish the two books that Jane and I had finished while she was hospitalized — then it would be all right to announce that she is dead! But for convenience’s sake, in Seth, Dreams … I bring together certain events in chronological time; I feel that its having been written some time ago makes this book the ideal place for me to discuss Jane’s death, to unite the “past,” the “present,” and the “future’; I regard it as being next in line after Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, which Prentice-Hall, Inc. is publishing in two volumes in the spring and fall of 1986. In Dreams, “Evolution, “… I stuck to Jane’s production of the Seth Material for that work, plus a strict chronological account of our personal lives while she delivered it. I made no leaps in time to write about her physical death, for to me that sad event lay too far in the future — over two and a half years — from the time she finished dictating Dreams, “Evolution,” … in February 1982.

My hospital adventure is still symbolic and literal to me in the most intimate of terms. It’s made me think often about the tremendous variety of reassurances the “dead” can choose to offer the “living.” A number of Jane’s readers have sent me communications they claim to have received for me from Jane in her after-death state. I’m making a collection of these for study. In the midst of my sorrowing for my wife, how did I — and how do I — know which of the communications are really from her? Or whether any portions of some of the messages may be? I soon learned that in each case I had to rely upon my own sensual and psychic equipment to intuitively know what to believe, or to be moved by, sometimes to the point of tears. Obviously, I can judge my feelings about what’s right and not right in my own experiences with a discarnate Jane much more easily than I can gauge the outside of someone else’s communication. But since I believe the Seth Material is valid, it would be very arrogant of me to think that none of Jane’s readers except me had legitimately tuned into her where she is now or perhaps touched upon her world view.

After Jane’s death I became extremely busy. I had to cope with my grief, and one way I chose was to immediately begin keeping elaborate records in and writing essays for a series of “grief notebooks.” I told no one about the notebooks, or the three drawings I had made of Jane as she lay in her bed right after her death. I was obligated to spend many months finishing a Seth book — Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment — that we had started way back in September 1979, long before she went into the hospital; as I had planned to, I resumed work on that project the day after she died. (Jane was cremated the next day, in a process we had agreed upon several years ago.) I also worked upon two other books we collaborated upon after she had been hospitalized. There were many legal matters to attend to, much mail to answer, and more to keep up with.

I don’t care for the term “channeling,” since I think it too all-inclusive and already trite. However, I liked both Jim’s ideas of my doing the Preface for Jane’s book, and of publishing a photo of her. And Laurel Lee Davies, the young lady who’s now helping me carry on my publishing activities, at once intuitively picked out from my files the one right photograph of Jane to us for Seth, Dreams … Jane’s father, Delmer Roberts, took the snapshot when she was on vacation with him in Baja, California in 1951. She was twenty-two years old. Jane and I didn’t meet until 1954. That little picture, then, was taken some twelve years before she began “coming through” with the Seth material. Yet, I find in it all of the ingredients that made up the Jane I knew — her great beauty, personality and creativity, her love of manipulating within her physical environment; I see her “steering herself” toward extraordinary accomplishments.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 11 Cunningham Miss starlings killing Rah

[...] Suppose I stopped having the sessions while I tried to figure things out, then decided that Seth was right on all counts — and found I just couldn’t have sessions again? [...]

“All right. [...]

Right in the middle of the month — April 15, I think it was,” she said, without hesitation. [...]

He looked right through me, taking no notice of me at all. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 7 camouflage Malba instruments Decatur senses

[...] Otherwise they will be dealing with camouflage only and find themselves in a blind alleynot because their eyes are closed, but because they are not using the right set of eyes.

[...] A man can smell quite a stink, even though it is not right under his nose. [...]

SDPC Part One: Chapter 3 cobbler Sarah village wires bullets

[...] The village was right by the sea. [...]

[...] For a moment, though, I thought I saw a group of pyramids far ahead on the horizon to the right. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

Was Mark right? [...]

[...] Seth was right; I had grown anxious wondering just when to dispense with it in a session and let him speak, yet it represented something solid and real that helped the transition take place. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 5 enzymes plane saucers Rob mental

[...] Taking off at right angles involves another of your natural laws which are not actual laws but only seem to be from where you are. [...]

[...] The few times that the craft shoots off at right angles, it has managed to retain functions ordinary to it in its particular habitat.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 6 tree bark Malba Rob midplane

[...] I realized he was right the moment he spoke.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 8 breathes Rob dishes Who admit

He was right, of course. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 9 clock sensation Miss Rob twenty

The circumstances at your end were right for something like this to occur. [...]