
5 results for (book:sdpc AND heading:introduct AND stemmed:oh)

SDPC Introduction Valerie metaphor grief hospital death

Oh, sweetheart, if only you were here with me to see this,’ I said aloud to Jane. And as I talked to her I suddenly found myself crying for her again there in the semi-dark night while the wind seethed and roared. Deep wrenching sobs began in my legs and stomach and rose up through my chest. I tried to keep talking to her, but could not. ‘It must be better where you are,’ I finally gasped, ‘but you should see this. It’s so wonderful …’ And as I spoke I intuitively understood that the motion of the wind was an excellent creative metaphor for the motion of Jane’s soul, that its cool feel upon my face could be the physical version of her caring for me ‘from where she is.’ The storm of my grief eased after a while, but the wind and the light rain continued. I dozed. When I woke half an hour later the wind had diminished a great deal. I felt drained. I went into the kitchen for a glass of water. Was Jane’s soul resting from its earlier great commotion, or had she moved away for the moment while exploring other aspects of her new reality that were perhaps out of range to us earthbound creatures? I crawled back into my bag and slept until dawn.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 11 Cunningham Miss starlings killing Rah

[...] Oh, where is it? [...] Oh, I know I saved it.”

[...] Go, go, go.
Why not have a band play and give balloons away?
There’s nothing like killing birds
To clean up the business section.
We could feature a Starling Day, for our centennial celebration,
Such elation as the city fathers
And other pot-bellied elders
Did their best to keep the city clean.
We could give ice cream away to the kids who killed the most,
The hosts of observers could yell the cheer:
Oh, it takes such courage and it takes such brawn
To drop the blackbirds on the County House lawn.”

[...] Oh, didn’t you know?” she said. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 6 tree bark Malba Rob midplane

Oh, that’s what the sense of outrage is about,” Rob said. [...]

SDPC Part One: Chapter 3 cobbler Sarah village wires bullets

Oh, Hon,” I retorted, with uneasy and quite unconscious scorn. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

Oh,” I said, “a ghost telling me how to arrange the furniture. [...]