1 result for (book:sdpc AND heading:"part two chapter 5" AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
Introduction to the Interior
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
This is the first of several key sessions included in this portion of the book as introductions to the interior universe. The material is included because of its importance in understanding the later concepts on dream reality and the methods of perceiving inner data.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
Consciously, you didn’t know what you were up to; unconsciously, you knew very well. This sort of dissociated state can be dangerous, particularly when induced haphazardly, as was certainly the case with you. If I had not happened to look in, you would have been in a great state for the rest of the evening. Or should I say morning?
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
If you recall, part of your mind was conscious in usual terms. You were capable of normal conversation; another part of your psyche was completely dissociated and waiting for your command. It floundered like a wet rag in a foul wind. … Since you were unaware of causing the dissociation to begin with, you were unable to find your blundering way out.
[... 38 paragraphs ...]
The cat focuses upon one thing at a time even though it has no strong ego. So Jane concentrates while I give her the messages, even though it is not the ego which is concentrating. You get a subconscious focus different in many ways from conscious concentration. In this state the attention is focused inward rather than outward, and it is the inner rather than the outer senses that are being exercised. The cat is doing the same thing, in his way, that Jane is. Its inner senses were focused in my direction.
As far as light being a mental enzyme, this is true. I’m pleased that you came forward with this yourself. Mental enzymes create senses on the physical plane in order that they may be recognized and appreciated by the physical being. The mental enzymes are the same, basically, throughout the universe, but their materializations on any particular plane are determined by the properties inherent in the plane itself.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Because mental enzymes seem to give the same effects most of the time in your system, your scientists blithely label these as laws of nature; that is, the apparent laws of cause and effect. If you’ll forgive a pun, because a certain cause will usually give a certain effect in your physical universe, you may be justified in saying that the apparent results are laws that operate within your system. But stay in your own back yard.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
They are the living stuff of the universe, even as they form its boundaries and seem to divide it into labyrinthian ways, like the inside of a honeycomb. The planes within the tiny wires — that is, the planes formed by the connections and interconnections of our imaginary wires — come into the sphere of each different plane and take on the form inherent in the plane itself.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
The inner senses are actually the channels through which the entire composition of any plane is appreciated and maintained. The mental enzymes act upon the vitality, which is, as I told you, the structure of the universe itself. The inner senses, then, are the means. The mental enzymes are the tools, and the vitality is the actual material that forms the universe as a whole, the apparent divisions within it, the apparent boundaries between the systems and the diverse materials within each division. These diverse materials, again, are only camouflage formed by the inner senses upon the ‘material’ itself.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
It is caught between transforming itself completely into earth’s particular camouflage pattern, and retaining its original pattern. The earthly viewer attempts to correlate what he sees with what he supposedly knows or imagines possible, in the little he understands of the universe.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]