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SDPC Part Two: Chapter 5 4/93 (4%) enzymes plane saucers Rob mental
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Introduction to the Interior Universe
– Chapter 5: Excerpts from Sessions 15 and 16 — The Personality: Dissociation and Possession — The Inner Senses and Mental Enzymes — Seth Looks out the Window

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

In the next session the following night, Seth launched into the nature of my last trance experience and used it as a stepping stone for his first real discussion of the nature of human personality. As the session shows, Seth apparently decided that it was time to take me in hand. From here on, he would continue to comment on my trance experiments and teach me to regulate them.

[... 62 paragraphs ...]

Because mental enzymes seem to give the same effects most of the time in your system, your scientists blithely label these as laws of nature; that is, the apparent laws of cause and effect. If you’ll forgive a pun, because a certain cause will usually give a certain effect in your physical universe, you may be justified in saying that the apparent results are laws that operate within your system. But stay in your own back yard.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The inhabitants see only the camouflage. They then accept it as a definite rule of nature, never realizing that just beyond their eyesight and just beyond their outer senses, this familiar tamed animal of a law changes appearance completely. So complete, in fact, is this transformation as to be in some cases unrecognizable. However, by seeing beneath the camouflage in any one case, you can see beneath all camouflage.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

As I mentioned, they carry their own particular camouflage with them. You recognize it as not your own. Taking off at right angles involves another of your natural laws which are not actual laws but only seem to be from where you are. … When science progresses on various planes, then such visitations become less accidental and more planned. However, since the inhabitants of each plane are bound by the particular materialized patterns of their ‘home,’ they bring this pattern of camouflaged vitality with them. Certain kinds of science cannot operate without it.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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