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SDPC Part Two: Chapter 5 2/93 (2%) enzymes plane saucers Rob mental
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Introduction to the Interior Universe
– Chapter 5: Excerpts from Sessions 15 and 16 — The Personality: Dissociation and Possession — The Inner Senses and Mental Enzymes — Seth Looks out the Window

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt, you should cease smoking. For one thing, it is harmful, and I will go into the reasons at another date. For another, I refuse to sound like a hoarse horse. It is not good for my morale. Your voice is too sensitive this evening for me to attempt any transformation of it into the more ‘melodious’ accents of my own. I suggestonly to give Ruburt’s much maligned vocal cords a restthat you take a break for a few minutes.

[... 63 paragraphs ...]

A plane is not necessarily a planet. A plane may be one planet, but a plane may also exist where no planet is. One planet may have several planes. Planes may also involve various aspects of apparent time. Planes can and do intermix without the knowledge of the inhabitants. A plane may be a time … or only one iota of vitality that exists by itself. A plane may cease to be. A plane is formed for entities as patterns for fulfillment along various lines. It is a climate conducive to the development of unique and particular capabilities and achievements … an isolation of elements.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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