1 result for (book:sdpc AND heading:"part two chapter 11" AND stemmed:"inner sens" AND stemmed:exercis)

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 11 10/80 (12%) Cunningham Miss starlings killing Rah
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Introduction to the Interior Universe
– Chapter 11: Seth Keeps Track of Miss Cunningham — So Do I — An Out-of-Body Experience

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt wove a dream about a legitimate telepathic communication. The information was correct in its bare essentials. Any such inner communications are basically the same in that they are picked up by the inner senses, whether the information seems telepathic or clairvoyant in your terms.

The actual communication is not in words or pictures. Material from the inner senses is seldom experienced in its true form. What you get is a hasty twisting of channels, a rather inept and sometimes rather disastrous attempt to pick up such information with the outer senses.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Miss Cunningham had been preparing herself for her own departure since she heard of the possible operations. Yet consciously, she was ignorant of her own inner decision.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Of course, the conscious mind cannot be aware of such critical inner decisions. … The disentanglement of her personality has been gentle and gradual. She is focusing less and less in this plane of reality, and again, gradually, she will begin to focus in another. There is a period of adjustment after leaving any plane, although yours involves the most difficulty since your camouflage pattern is unusually rigid.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

Unknowingly, in my poetry I had barely begun to form some concepts that would help me. Just before the sessions began the idea of “The Idiot” came to me as a symbol of inner truth that appears to be complete nonsense to the reasoning mind at times; or at best, highly impractical in normal living. I’d written two poems on the idea, and the day after the starlings were killed, I did another:

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

He kept emphasizing the inner senses. In the next session, the thirty-first, on March 2, 1964, he said,

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The inner senses operate on all planes and under all circumstances. The outer senses vary according to plane and circumstance. The outer senses are dependable only in terms of the definite system of reality for which they were constructed. Their purpose, of course, is to enable the conscious personality to recognize as valid, camouflage patterns that are only valid under certain conditions.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

It’s one of my little tricks to add to Ruburt’s faltering and erratic confidenceand again, this is with his inner permission.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

During this period I was trying the psychological time exercises suggested by Seth, and often, just when I got started, Miss Cunningham would interrupt me. One day I went into the bedroom where it was quiet, closed my eyes, lay down and began clearing my mind of thoughts for my psy-time exercise. Several times Miss Cunningham came to mind: I wanted to ask her doctor about her condition but hesitated because I wasn’t a member of her family.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

We had no idea then that I would be involved in still more startling episodes with Miss Cunningham, but I grinned, looking out the window. I’d been on my first real “field trip.” I didn’t have to take everything Seth said on faith alone. The psychological time exercises suddenly took on greater significance. I was ready now to really use the inner senses. And almost immediately after this, Seth began his discussions on the nature of dream reality and the methods that would let us explore it for ourselves. If I could leave my body and go out into the physical world, then I didn’t see why I couldn’t leave it and explore the inner one.

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