1 result for (book:sdpc AND heading:"part three chapter 19" AND stemmed:weekend)

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 19 1/74 (1%) projections levitate form panicked third
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Three: Exploration of the Interior Universe — Investigation of Dream Reality
– Chapter 19: Out-of-Body Experiences from the Dream State — Flying Dreams — Dream Mobility of Consciousness

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

One weekend afternoon, Rob was napping, and I was doing the dishes. He fell asleep and “awakened” to find himself hovering about three feet out in the air outside his studio window, between the house and the large pear tree that shades the room. For a moment he just couldn’t understand what was happening. He knew that physically such a position was impossible, and he held his breath, waiting for the inevitable fall.

[... 48 paragraphs ...]

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