1 result for (book:sdpc AND heading:"part three chapter 16" AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
Then I recalled my previous experiments with dream states and knew that I wasn’t normally awake as I thought, but was wandering out in the living room, in an out-of-body state and hallucinating. The phone had never rung. My body was still in bed. The darkness was an effect caused by the state of my consciousness. So, while I had the chance, I decided to do some more experimenting and went out the hall door, downstairs and outside.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
“It isn’t a dream,” Rob assured me. “You’re in your normal state of consciousness.”
[... 28 paragraphs ...]
I have mentioned that any action has an electromagnetic reality. In telepathic and clairvoyant experiences, the electromagnetic pattern is transmitted. It must then be transformed into a pattern that can be distinguished by the ego, if the individual is to be consciously aware of the data.
Often the information is picked up translated by the subconscious and acted upon without conscious approval or recognition. In almost all cases, however, there must be an emotional attraction, for this is what allows for the initial transmission, and makes it possible.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
(The term “probable universe” was fairly new to us then, so Rob asked, “Will you tell us more about the probable system and its connections here?” Seth replied,)
The field of probabilities is quite as real as your physical universe. The experiences encountered there by other portions of the self are used by the whole self. The knowledge gained there is invaluable, not only in terms of overall experience, but as a means of training the ego and subconscious to choose between various activities.
All of this data is instantly available; only the ego is unaware of this field of reality. It would be snowed under. From this field of probabilities you choose patterns of thought which you will weave into the physical matter of your universe. The dreaming self sees both fields and operates in each. It should be realized that the probable self also has its own dreams.
This probable field seeds many other systems beside your own. It is composed of thought images, not physically materialized in your terms, but vivid storehouses of energy. Here is the material from which all pasts, presents and futures are made. It is far from a closed system. Not only does it feed the physical universe, but in it, many aspects of your own dreams become actual. Do you dream of an apple? The apple appears in the field of probability.
[... 20 paragraphs ...]
There are many kinds of mass or shared dreams. For now, we will be concerned with mass dreams that have an almost universal nature; that is, dreams that are shared at one time or another by the majority of living persons on your planet.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]