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SDPC Part Three: Chapter 16 3/96 (3%) precognitive dream manuscript prospectus freight
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Three: Exploration of the Interior Universe — Investigation of Dream Reality
– Chapter 16: More on Precognitive Dreams

[... 37 paragraphs ...]

That night, though, I dreamed that I was walking along the beach in the usual direction I take. As I did so, I wondered what would happen if we had an incoming rocket attack in camp while I was out walking. I could see myself strolling along, even as I wondered. Just then I could also see a rocket hitting the water and heard the siren go off at base. In the dream, I ran all the way back.

The next morning, I was all ready to go for a walk when I remembered my dream. Was it a warning of a future event? I decided that I’d better take the side of caution, so I stayed at the hutch. At 10:00 A.M., we had an incoming rocket attack. The place of impact was the exact area where I usually go for my walk.

I couldn’t have known about the attack through any normal information, of course, and there was no talk around the base about rockets or anything in the past to suggest the dream — except that such a possibility existed. We’ve only had two such attacks in the nine months I’ve been here, though, so they are hardly everyday occurrences.

[... 55 paragraphs ...]

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