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SDPC Part Three: Chapter 16 14/96 (15%) precognitive dream manuscript prospectus freight
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Three: Exploration of the Interior Universe — Investigation of Dream Reality
– Chapter 16: More on Precognitive Dreams

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

And if we are not all hearts and flowers, let it be said that hearts and flowers as a steady diet could become quite boring.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

On May 14, I dreamed that I was doing something wrong about the prospectus. The dream bothered me so much that I called Prentice and learned that I’d misinterpreted Tam’s letter. All I needed was a simple prospectus and outline. Except for the dream, I would have spent considerable time gathering data long before it was needed. I felt much better and mailed the whole package off on May 17.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

“It’s all right,” Rob said.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Then again, nothing. On June 23, I dreamed that the publisher of my first book called, giving me all kinds of information about sales. On June 29, Tam wrote me an encouraging letter asking me for the sales figures on my first book.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

That night, though, I dreamed that I was walking along the beach in the usual direction I take. As I did so, I wondered what would happen if we had an incoming rocket attack in camp while I was out walking. I could see myself strolling along, even as I wondered. Just then I could also see a rocket hitting the water and heard the siren go off at base. In the dream, I ran all the way back.

The next morning, I was all ready to go for a walk when I remembered my dream. Was it a warning of a future event? I decided that I’d better take the side of caution, so I stayed at the hutch. At 10:00 A.M., we had an incoming rocket attack. The place of impact was the exact area where I usually go for my walk.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Often the information is picked up translated by the subconscious and acted upon without conscious approval or recognition. In almost all cases, however, there must be an emotional attraction, for this is what allows for the initial transmission, and makes it possible.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

In the future, Seth said, the ego and intellect will expand to contain, use and appreciate all the other portions of the self which they now mistrust. Individual identity will expand to include a greater variety of impulses and stimuli. … The ego will become more of an organizer, in general, letting in, literally, a barrage of experiences and forming them into meaningful patterns. Now it fears such experiences because it is not certain of its strength or of its ability to organize them. …

I mentioned in your last session that your scientists do not realize that man has, indeed, evolved since the development of the brain. For it has learned to form millions of new connections, meanings and concepts, new gestalts that have made man something different than he was. All of these are new electromagnetic patterns which are now indelibly a part of the race. …

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

If we can see future events in dreams, does this mean that the theory of free will is a myth? Not at all. But in order to answer this question, Seth considers it along with the nature of time and probable events.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Predictions, per se, do not contradict the theory of free will, though free will is dependent upon much more than the freedom of the ego alone. If the ego were allowed to make all the choices, with no veto power from other layers of the self, you would all be in a sad position, indeed.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

All of this data is instantly available; only the ego is unaware of this field of reality. It would be snowed under. From this field of probabilities you choose patterns of thought which you will weave into the physical matter of your universe. The dreaming self sees both fields and operates in each. It should be realized that the probable self also has its own dreams.

This probable field seeds many other systems beside your own. It is composed of thought images, not physically materialized in your terms, but vivid storehouses of energy. Here is the material from which all pasts, presents and futures are made. It is far from a closed system. Not only does it feed the physical universe, but in it, many aspects of your own dreams become actual. Do you dream of an apple? The apple appears in the field of probability.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

I have told you that each individual creates physical matter, including objects and his own image. Coherence, illusion of permanency, placement in space, mass and color are all arrived at and agreed upon in the ways already explained. Telepathic communication is one of the methods by which such agreement is reached.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

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