1 result for (book:sdpc AND heading:"part one chapter 4" AND stemmed:statement)

SDPC Part One: Chapter 4 1/59 (2%) enzymes chlorophyll solidified Rob mental
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Intrusions from the Interior Universe — A Subjective Journal
– Chapter 4: My First Glimpse of Dream Reality — A Blundering Trance — Two Fugitives from the Dream World

[... 41 paragraphs ...]

Rob thought the concentration of writing a statement of how I felt would help. Instead, my efforts showed what a crazy state I was in. My handwriting just wasn’t my own. Hardly any pressure was exerted on the pen. The writing was wavery, small and grew progressively smaller. The prose expression was nothing like mine; it was very childish. Thoughts or messages poured to mind, and I wrote them down in this weird (unedited) script:

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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