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SDPC Part One: Chapter 4 13/59 (22%) enzymes chlorophyll solidified Rob mental
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Intrusions from the Interior Universe — A Subjective Journal
– Chapter 4: My First Glimpse of Dream Reality — A Blundering Trance — Two Fugitives from the Dream World

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

Nevertheless, there is an interaction here which gives chlorophyll its properties. I hope to make this clearer to you, but it involves part of a larger concept for which you do not now have the proper background. … Chlorophyll is a mental enzyme, however, and it is one of the moving forces in your plane. A variant exists in all other planes. It is a mental spark, so to speak, that sets everything else into motion.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Perhaps I may be able to make mental enzymes clearer. … In your own experience, you are familiar with steam, water and ice. These are all manifestations of the same thing. So can a seemingly physical chlorophyll be also a part of a seemingly immaterial emotion or feeling, but in a different formand, of course, directed into this form or caused to take various forms in response to certain lawsas your ice will not exist of itself in the middle of your summertime. And if I am not to be compared to a symphony, Joseph, you must admit that I do well with a figurative baton.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Why do you find the phrase ‘solidified emotion or feeling’ outlandish? You both understand now that your plane is composed of solidified thought. When your scientists get through with all their high fiddle-faddle, they will also discover that this is the case.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

This session actually lasted from 9:00 P.M. until midnight, so only excerpts have been given here. The material on mental enzymes intrigued us. Looking back, we can see what a chore it must have been for Seth to introduce us to ideas that were very basic — to him — and quite new to us. Much later, he was to give some excellent material on the nature of physical matter and its “mental” components. But at the time of this session, he told us all we could understand, while he began slowly to build up the necessary background and concepts.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

I laughed and said, “Well, there’s nothing to crystal-gazing. All I saw was what you could expect — lights and reflections and things. I guess you can’t win them all, as they say,” and I plunked myself down in our wooden rocker. In the next moment, a fascinating series of events occurred that were to culminate in the third dream-state experience mentioned earlier in this book. I’m going to quote the notes I wrote the following day. In this way, our attitude towards the events at the time becomes obvious.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Rob asked me what was wrong. I answered that I felt odd and unlike myself. My body then was very light — weightless to me, anyway. I wasn’t conscious of any muscular weight or pressure at all. My arms and shoulders felt like water or air. Rob told me to get up. He was beginning to look worried. But I could hardly rise from the chair. He had to help me to the couch. I didn’t feel physical enough to move.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Rob made coffee for me. I didn’t believe I could lift the cup. When I finally did, my motions were extremely slow, as in a slow-motion motion picture. Rob made me drink two cups of coffee. He had me stand with my head out of the kitchen window in the cold night air, but nothing seemed to help. I just seemed to be in a weightless body in which I had little interest. By now I was rather frightened, yet I thought that I could snap out of it if I really exerted all of my will power — or knew how.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I was sitting at my desk when I began to feel funny. I don’t know how. Then I sat in another chair and felt funnier. My hands felt very light and so did my shoulders. Light, then as if they were not there at all.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

This is a test taste. How do you like it. It’s all right. Silly. Silly sassy.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

My senses were still very acute — vision … and hearing. We decided that since I wasn’t having much luck coming out of the trance, we might as well use it to do some experiments. Besides the handwriting, I tried the typewriter. This frightened me a bit further, since I couldn’t exert enough pressure to use the keys. All this time I felt completely weightless, unable to function in the physical world. Because my motions were so strange, Rob had the impression that my limbs were heavy. To me they were as light as air. I felt completely relaxed and still my senses were sharp and clear as never before. I was able to talk to Rob without difficulty, also. When Rob felt my hand, it was wet and floppy, and my body seemed to have no physical resistance at all.

Rob asked me to read the small print on the inside of a match cover and a few lines from a book — all held out much farther than I could usually read — and I was able to do this quickly and without effort. My sight was much better than it is normally.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I was too amazed to speak. Seth had barely begun any discussion of the dream-state realities and I was at a complete loss. Both men were smiling as they stared at me. Obviously, they weren’t intruders in the usual sense, and they were not at all threatening. Their presence was a complete impossibility, yet I couldn’t deny the evidence of my senses.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

As they vanished, I felt the strangest sense of loss. I ‘knew’ that the men were as real as I was, and that I had glimpsed some other dimension of reality quite as valid as the one I knew. Through all of this, I hadn’t thought to disturb Rob, who was sleeping soundly beside me. My attention was utterly focused on the events. Now, turning toward him, I remembered the noise that had awakened me. Hadn’t it awakened him? Had there ever been a noise?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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