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SDPC Part One: Chapter 1 1/84 (1%) constructions Cunningham idea entity amoeba
– Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Intrusions from the Interior Universe — A Subjective Journal
– Chapter 1: Dreams, Creativity and the Unconscious — Excerpts from “The Physical Universe as Idea Construction” — My First Glimpse into the Interior Universe

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

As the days passed, the dream was more or less forgotten. Only now and then did it nag at me with its disquieting connotations. I felt, uneasily, that a small but significant tear had been ripped in the nature of things. Looking back, I’m sure that I sniffed danger as surely as any animal who senses something strange and new in his environment — or as any adult when threatened by a change in the status quo. So for all general purposes, I put the dream out of my mind and went on my way. I later mentioned this dream in my first book in the field, How To Develop Your ESP Power. Even then, I had no idea that it would be only one of a series of psychic events involving Miss Cunningham, nor did I see its true significance in my own development.

[... 61 paragraphs ...]

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