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NotP Chapter 9: Session 789, September 27, 1976 7/42 (17%) predream events ee undecipherable rocket
– The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 9: Characteristics of Pure Energy, the Energetic Psyche, and the Birth of Events
– Session 789, September 27, 1976 9:30 P.M. Monday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(No matter what we may have been doing earlier that day, when the session begins — there’s Seth. He may be joking or serious, dictating a chapter or making remarks about our lives or the world in general. Whatever, he’s always ready to share his perceptions and knowledge with us, as far as he can translate them into words so that we can understand them. When Jane speaks for him her eyes are always much darker and seemingly larger, with a compelling luminous quality that’s both mysterious and evocative. Seth’s voice, coming through her in his own unique accent, can be as gentle as a whisper or as ear-splitting as he desires when he wants to make a point. When she comes out of trance Jane can remember what he’s said, or have no recollection at all of his material.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment… This is characterized perhaps most of all by more perceptive psychological organizations. In the predream state you participate in such organizations, although you bring back home to your physical self — in the form of dreams — only data that can be recognized and used in physical terms. It is highly important to remember that your experience and knowledge grow at those other levels of actuality. Even during your physical lifetime your experience is not confined to conventional physical events alone. Those usual events arise from the creative impetus that occurs at these other levels.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

In the predream state you directly encounter a reality in which those probabilities exist all at once to your perception. In a dazzling display you are aware of such events from infinite perspectives. Consciously you could not grasp such information, much less act upon it, nor could you maintain your particular, unique, psychological stance. You still take advantage of that level of being, however, using that immeasurable data as a basis to form the reality that you know.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

This in no way denies the validity of events as you think of them, for all of your physical activity immediately alters all other relationships at all levels of being. Most of you are familiar with inspiration in one form or another. People who are not writers or artists, or poets or musicians, often suddenly find themselves almost transformed for a brief period of time — suddenly struck by a poem or a song or a snatch of music, or by a sketch — that seems to come from nowhere, that seems to emerge outside of the context of usual thought patterns, and that brings with it an understanding, a joy, a compassion, or an artistic bent that seemingly did not exist a moment earlier. Where did the song or poem or music come from? Such individuals feel that they suddenly “know” in a direct manner. They experience knowledge that comes from within rather than information that comes from without.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

Let us use an analogy. Pretend that you are a planet, as indeed in certain terms you are. You exist in a highly complicated and sophisticated universe. You know that space is filled with all kinds of inhabitants, and we will compare these space inhabitants to probable events. As a planet you have certain characteristics. Some space inhabitants would not be able to land under those conditions at all. The conditions represent your own psychological individuality. You send out messages to the stars because you are lonely, and events or visitors are one of your main methods of gaining experience and knowledge. To land their own rocket ships, space travelers must enter your atmosphere and use its conditions while maintaining their own integrity. They must also have their own reasons for such a visit.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now: Dictation. First of all, your own universe is not isolated, either. It is simply the one that you perceive.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your daily life seems to give you little evidence of this. Your dreams, however, often contain this kind of interrelatedness. Because you perceive events in the way that you do, of course, you see the familiar physical universe. Dream events, not as precise in space and time, often serve as a framework through which some evidence of other universes can be glimpsed. No system is closed, so there are interactions, so to speak, between all universes. No psychological system is closed either, even while it retains an inviolate nature that is indestructible.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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