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NotP Chapter 9: Session 787, August 23, 1976 8/31 (26%) pure events psyche smallest propensity
– The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 9: Characteristics of Pure Energy, the Energetic Psyche, and the Birth of Events
– Session 787, August 23, 1976 9:40 P.M. Monday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Behind all of these issues are far deeper considerations. The nature of creativity itself is involved, and the characteristics of energy, without which no action is possible.

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It may form particles, but it would be itself whether or not particles existed. In the most basic of terms, almost incomprehensible in your vocabulary, energy is not divided. There can be no portions or parts of it, because it is not an entity like a pie, to be cut or divided. For purposes of discussion, however, we must say that in your terms each smallest portion — each smallest unit of pure energy — contains within it the propelling force toward the formation of all possible variations of itself.

The smallest unit of pure energy, therefore, weighing nothing in your terms, containing within itself no mass, would hold within its own nature the propensity for the creation of matter in all of its forms, the impetus to create all possible universes. In those terms, energy cannot be considered without bringing to the forefront questions concerning the nature of God or All That Is, for the terms are synonymous.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Pure energy, or any “portion” of it, contains within itself the creative propensity toward individuation, so that within any given portion all individually conscious life is implied, created, sustained. Pure energy cannot be destroyed, and is “at every point” simultaneously being created. Your physical universe and laws give you little evidence of this kind of activity, for at that level the evidence shows you the appearance of time or decay. Your own psychological activity is the closest evidence you have, though you do not use it as such. Pure energy has no beginning or end. The psyche, your psyche, is being freshly created “at every point” of its existence. For that matter, despite all appearances, the physical universe was not born through some explosion of energy which is being dispersed, but is everywhere being created at all of its points “at each moment.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Pause at 10:23.) All of the elements of physical experience at any given time are present in the dream state. Practically speaking, however, the species accepts certain portions of dream reality as its so-called real events at any particular time, and about those specialized events it forms its “current” civilizations. Historically speaking, early men dreamed of airplanes and rocket ships. For that matter, their natural television operated better in some ways than your technological version, for their mental images allowed them to perceive events in neighboring areas or in other portions of the world. They could not simply press a button to bring this about, however. The psychic and biological mechanisms were there, permitting the species to know, particularly in time of stress or danger, what normally unperceived events might threaten survival. But in the dream state, then as now, all such issues were contemporary, acting as models from which the species then chose the practical events that formed its physical experience.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your psyche is being drawn back into itself, into All That Is, and “out of itself” into your individuation, in psychological pulses of activity that have a correlation with the behavior of electrons in your world. In the dream or sleep state, when you do not meet as directly with physical activity, there is the opportunity to learn more about the psyche by a study of dreams — those events that are so like and so dissimilar to your waking experience.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now: All of the probable events of your life exist at once, at certain levels that are connected to the dream state. Since your activities physically must be fitted into a space-time framework, only a minimum of those probable events will physically occur.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

To that extent the dream also serves as a drama of interweaving probabilities, a springboard from which events emerge in all directions. Each aspect of a dream, while having personal meaning, is also your version of a symbol that stands for a corresponding kind of event, but in a different level of reality entirely.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

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