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NotP Chapter 8: Session 786, August 16, 1976 2/38 (5%) contours intrusions bombarded events raindrops
– The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 8: Dreams, Creativity, Languages, and “Cordellas”
– Session 786, August 16, 1976 9:19 P.M. Monday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

You are bombarded with such “alien intrusions” constantly. The focus of your consciousness blots these out while you are in the normal waking state. There are falling stars everywhere tumbling through the heavens, for example, though you only see some of these in the night sky. It is important during the day that a screening process be used, so that the precision of your actions can be maintained. Again, however, that fine precision rests upon an endless amount of information that impinges onto other levels of your psychological reality. Those data then become the raw material, so to speak, from which your physical events are formed.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

Again, I do not mean to deny the validity of that experience, but to point out its specialized nature. By its nature, however, that precise specialization and tuning of consciousness in to space and time largely precludes other less-specialized encounters with realities. Dreams often present you with what seems to be an ambiguity, an opaqueness, since they lack the immediate impact of psychological activity with space and time. From your viewpoint it seems often that dreams are not events, or that they happen but do not happen. The lack of normal time and space intersections means that you cannot share your dreams with others in the way that you can share waking events. Nor can you remember dream events — or so it seems — as you do your normal conscious experience. In actual fact you remember consciously only certain highlighted events of your lives, and ordinary details of your days vanish as dreams seem to.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

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