
1 result for (book:notp AND session:770 AND stemmed:run)

NotP Chapter 4: Session 770, April 5, 1976 1/39 (3%) puberty sexual sex male biological
– The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 4: The Psyche in Relationship to Sexual Elements. The He and She — The She and He
– Session 770, April 5, 1976 9:41 P.M. Monday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Your beliefs so structure your experience individually and en masse, however, that evidential material contrary to those ideas shows itself but seldom, or in distorted or exaggerated form. It is quite natural, biologically and psychologically, to operate in certain fashions that are not acceptable in your society, and that seem to run counter to your picture of mankind’s history. In terms of your definitions, then, it is quite natural for some people to behave as males sexually and as females psychologically. It is quite “natural” for others to operate in a reverse fashion.

[... 33 paragraphs ...]

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