1 result for (book:nopr AND session:677 AND stemmed:energi)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 677, July 11, 1973 1/50 (2%) affirm creaturehood journeys Trust yourself
– The Nature of Personal Reality
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Your Body as Your Own Unique Living Sculpture. Your Life as Your Most Intimate Work of Art, and the Nature of Creativity as It Applies to Your Personal Experience
– Chapter 22: Affirmation, the Practical Betterment of Your Life, and the New Structuring of Beliefs
– Session 677, July 11, 1973 9:36 P.M. Wednesday

[... 36 paragraphs ...]

I close by saying, as I have said before: You are given the gift of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs; yours is the creative energy that makes your world; there are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

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