1 result for (book:nopr AND session:669 AND stemmed:current)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
The window of each day can be opened or closed, but it is framed by your current psychological experience. Even when it is shut light shines through it, illuminating your daily life. In miniature form each day contains, in its own way, clues to all of your own simultaneous existences. The present self does not exist in isolation.
Within any given twenty-four hour period, then, traces and aspects of all of your other experiences appear in their own way. You each contain aspects of your other identities within your current selves — some very obvious perhaps and others barely noticeable. Abilities focused upon in one life may be recognized as your own now, for example, but not strongly utilized.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The same applies on what you may think of as a more practical level, in that each day also holds within it the answers to current problems. If you are aware of a particular problem (challenge), therefore, you can be assured that its solution is as much there and with you as the problem is. (Intently:) The solution is simply the problem’s other side, upon which you may not be focusing. There will even be clear clues as to the proper direction for you to take — these will already be within your experience, but unrecognized because you are concentrating so upon the problem.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
In their own ways, other portions of your multidimensional being are involved in experiences, then, somewhat similar to your own, though on the outside the situation may be completely different. Their progress lies latent within the window of the moment point — the moment point simply being your current intersection with the reality that you know.
The adventures of your simultaneous selves, again, appear as traces in your own consciousness, as ideas or daydreams or disconnected images, or sometimes even in sudden intuitions. They can be drawn upon, drawn out, to help you understand current problems.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
Now: No matter what your current situation, the answers lie within your own aspirations and abilities. Often you will hold down or inhibit certain aspects of your experience in order to use others — using those available will automatically free you from inhibitions in other areas.
[... 22 paragraphs ...]