1 result for (book:nopr AND session:668 AND stemmed:seri)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 668, June 6, 1973 1/40 (2%) impinges continuum ferment dimensional seventeenth
– The Nature of Personal Reality
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Your Body as Your Own Unique Living Sculpture. Your Life as Your Most Intimate Work of Art, and the Nature of Creativity as It Applies to Your Personal Experience
– Chapter 19: The Concentration of Energy, Beliefs, and the Present Point of Power
– Session 668, June 6, 1973 9:12 P.M. Wednesday

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

These interchanges represent periods in which the soul and flesh meet under the most optimum conditions. There are individual variations and yet mass patterns. The energy of the personal self constantly comes from the entity. There is not just one intersection of soul with the flesh, therefore, but at the least a constant series as you would think of it. Because of the characteristics of energy as it impinges upon the three-dimensional system, there are fluctuations — always involving your present.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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