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NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 666, May 28, 1973 4/42 (10%) flood Pigs Joseph Cuba Bay
– The Nature of Personal Reality
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Your Body as Your Own Unique Living Sculpture. Your Life as Your Most Intimate Work of Art, and the Nature of Creativity as It Applies to Your Personal Experience
– Chapter 18: Inner Storms and Outer Storms. Creative “Destruction.” The Length of the Day and the Natural Reach of a Biologically-Based Consciousness
– Session 666, May 28, 1973 9:31 P.M. Monday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Smiling:) Now do you want to know why you stayed (in our living quarters) during the flood?

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

They knew there was a third story to the house they lived in. Therefore they planned to move our manuscripts, Ruburt’s writings, and Joseph’s paintings upstairs if the need arose. Other elements were also involved. For one thing, of course, they lived (and still do) on the second floor. The crisis brought many of their attitudes into critical awareness. The situation did become so serious that for a while they did fear for their survival.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Again Ruburt “tuned in,” altered his state of consciousness, and was told not to take them. Joseph was not to have them either. The unconscious knowledge was given (pause), and statements of each body’s condition. Both were safe as long as shots were not taken. In this case Ruburt and Joseph acted in direct contradiction to authoritative radio statements, and held their own despite the fact that others in the immediate environment rushed off to the medical centers. They placed their lives on the line. Only an hour later the radio announcements completely changed; people were told that they did not need shots, and that indeed the inoculations could cause severe reactions.

Again, Ruburt and Joseph gained necessary confidence that would be used in other areas. In ways too numerous and personal to enumerate, the conditions of their lives became clear to them. They did not enjoy living in a cold, sodden environment for several weeks. They did not look forward to all of the inconveniences involved, and yet for their own reasons they chose to be part of the flood.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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