1 result for (book:nopr AND session:645 AND stemmed:natur)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 645, March 5, 1973 4/50 (8%) core bridge beliefs invisible sensual
– The Nature of Personal Reality
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Your Body as Your Own Unique Living Sculpture. Your Life as Your Most Intimate Work of Art, and the Nature of Creativity as It Applies to Your Personal Experience
– Chapter 11: The Conscious Mind as the Carrier of Beliefs. Your Beliefs in Relation to Health and Satisfaction
– Session 645, March 5, 1973 9:40 P.M. Monday

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

Through this belief he viewed all of his experience, correlating it; he encouraged those impulses that furthered it, and impeded those that did not. Now: Because of this particular temperament he put all of his eggs in one basket, so to speak. Those of you who do the same thing will see yourselves in one particular way, whatever it is. You will primarily organize your experience along definite lines. It may be your sex role or your professional role. You may see yourself as a mother or a father first of all, as a teacher, an editor, or as a “man’s man.” You will, however, emphasize one certain quality above all others — your athletic nature, your spiritual bent, whatever it may be.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(11:12.) I gave him helpful information, but this could only be used by him as he felt it for himself and traveled through his own system of beliefs. When you understand the nature of reality and your part in forming it, then you can no longer look to others to solve your problems for you, and you realize that your own beliefs are the rich creative elements that you yourself must mix and match. If you think that certain foods will help you, then they will be effective in that system — because of your beliefs. If you believe in doctors, then they will help you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Dialogues (see the 639th session in Chapter Ten) is now a book, just completed, but it also represented a movement of the self through a question-and-answer format, through which Ruburt recognized and faced many diverse beliefs. Each reader can utilize the same method whether or not artistic achievement is also involved, through objectifying personal beliefs in a dialogue form. This also happens frequently in the dream state, when you allow your natural creativity so much freedom. Often there are dreams in which “you” are two separate people, either strangers or familiar, each asking questions of the other.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Using it, he is only now in the process of assimilating the newly available energy. He understands that he is the self who holds all of those beliefs, and does not identify so completely with the one core belief any longer. That association was what had prevented its natural motion and expansion earlier.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

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